Whats new in your cd shelf?

oh yeah i also got the new korn one

/me hangs head in shame

but tis not to shocking...seriously...
Originally posted by PoisnGodMachine

i'm guessing you're talking about Dream On, yeah i've heard it, i agree they do a good job on it
but it's not very new is it? because i downloaded that awhile back, that was back when i used napster

I suppose it could be old. Idont keep up with areosmith, Ron just pulled it out one day of late, and said hey check this out.
Originally posted by jimbobhickville
PGM - ebay on Haji's Kitchen. won for like $4, mwa ha ha!!

Ledmag, Alchemist are excellent. Each one is better than the previous one. Get Organasm, awesome disc.

I have the mp3's for their 2000 release. I like them. Im getting more, and im gonna put those mp3's on a cdr. Yeah, great band.

Ebay is the place.
Originally posted by Poison Godmachine

Right after I bought the CD I jumped on the net and learned the song in a single sitting. SO GOOD! (The song... not my guitar playing):p


IYO, is the 2 cd set worth it? I have the 1 cd version already, should i get the newie?
Ledmag,Blackwater Park is awesome,I love the cd.A few days after I got that and the s/t Korn cd,all I listentd to was Korn becuz I was on a really long car trip w/my family and some other friends and I needed something really loud and brutal to help me tune out from those around me.I was thinking of having Opeth in my cd player for the whole trip,but Opeth,IMO,isn't really the kind of band that you listen to on a portable cd player in the car.I'd rather listen to them at home on my stereo where I can totally get into their music,which is what I did about a week after that.My favorite songs on there are "The Drapery Falls","The Funeral Portrait" and "Patterns in the Ivy"(which is possibly the best instrumental I've ever heard,I'd love to be able to play that on guitar...if I could play guitar,that is)...yes,I like both KORN and OPETH...what an oddity I am:rolleyes: But I really can't see myself buying the new Korn cd for a while...or at all.The first one is a lot better."Predictable"is one of the best songs on there.
hey, nothing wrong with you digging both those bands.

DIdnt you notice one of my new purchases was Rod Stewart?

I like all kinds. I dont like ROd after the 70's though. The set i got yesterday is the stuff he did very early in his career, all acoustic with mandolins, violins, steele guiatrs, etc.
yeh...i like some blackmetal, some deathmetzal, some thrash, some prog, some powermetal hehe....yeh, also some nonmetal stuff...soemtime (but very seldom) jazz, ragtime and else hard rock, psychodelic rock, irish folk...and some bands i have no idea what their style is called (eg fairground attraction)...
Rod Stewart's okay.I've only heard one of his songs,though("Maggie May").My dad has several of his albums.He was telling me about Rod Stewart once when we were watching VH1's Rock Show.My dad's been introduced to songs by Tool,Soundgarden and Def Leppard on that show.It's odd,I've gotten both of my parents into that kind of music.My dad likes Tool,for goodness sake...but he still wouldn't take me to one of their concerts.
DARKSPOT>>>Try dl'ing 'only a hobo', and 'madoline wind'

Only a hobo has all these time changes, very cool. The music is very soft during the vox, the gets real loud otherwise. Very good.
My mum like a lot of the stuff i go for. My dad likes some of the stuff i go for.

BIG N>>>Try Larry Carlton, he is a JAZZ master on guitar
I dont like DL'ing either. My connection isnt very fast, and it takes UNGODLY ammounts of times to dl a fucken song.

But yeah, check your dads stuff, those songs are great.

BIG N>>>Good
No, It's not really worth it :)
I had the single CD already but I was at the record store and I had some cash burning a whole in my pocket.
The 2 extra songs are both under 5 minutes (WHA? "OPETH" SONGS?!?!?!) the sound very diffrent from thier other mellow stuff. The video for harvest is cool but its not something you will watch over and over.