Eye Laser Surgery - would you do it?

what about ladies in YOUR glasses, like Bonsai Kitten.

I like girls with glasses. Some girls, even if their eyesight is perfect, will still wear glasses with just normal glass in the frames. It's just a fashion accessory at this point.

So today I went to the dentist and I need some fillings after all (I suspected that I did but can't really tell since I've only ever had one filling and that was when I was 10). Well, anyway, dentist work is going to cost me $500.

So that's $500 gone, right there. I should sue Colgate or something.
I wore glasses for 4 years and it blew ass! getting them scratched, bent, broken, sliding down your nose, getting in the fucking way...... thats what should be fucked.
I suffered for almost 16 years of my life having a hard time to see and wearing those thick glasses that made me like a 50 years old loser. I had my astigmatism when I was young (back in my adolescent’s stage) then last year I decided to be free, free from glasses and contacts that’s been part of me for almost 16 years. Im sick and tired of having a limitation in all things that I do, especially with my favorite sports and doing some stuff, my Astigmatism was really a hindrance to me not only in my passion but in my work, So last year as a thanks giving gift to myself I fly to Kansas to have a Lasik exam in my2020 to determine if im a good candidate and fortunately I was. Right now I can say that im in the process of healing the side effects of it (and its normal) and I feel good and great about myself not wearing those contacts and glasses anymore. Its nice to live like a normal being.
wow. the pic of her on wikipedia is pretty bad. She's questionably attractive at best.
*initiate care crew protocol*
I may go for this option some years in the future, just depending on how badly my eyesight continues to deteriorate. I mean, people have been getting this done for at least 10 years now, right? And I haven't heard about any major problems that the first patients have had. I don't mind my contacts except when they slip off my iris and I have to go digging in my eyesockets for them. I don't mind my glasses either, except my eyes are so bad that I have no peripheral vision when I wear my glasses. 20/900 :kickass:
I need it done too....

I'm gonna wait though... the price will drop lower and lower and technology is getting better and better... I'm gonna wait a couple more years I think...
I'm 100% certain they won't. It's still considered elective surgery. And if yours does, you're adopting me beatch! :loco:

Actually, $1500/eye is pretty durned cheap, considering it was over $4000/eye less than 3 years ago.

i had guardian insurance for awhile that covered at least part of it. so i think it just depends your insurance company...