EZ Drummer DFH EZX sample...

Kenny Lee

Oct 16, 2004
I have permission to post a EZ drummer DFH tune!
20 minutes! That's how long it took to make this. Everything is EZ drummer and it's midi files/ grooves. No post work, just Ozone to level things out some. You can hear all the boo boo's and mistakes, mainly because I didn't want to go back and fix nothing. I wanted to see how fast I could make a decent heavy beat! Just dragged and dropped a few grooves into place and made up a rythym.:kickass:

Here's another, about 15 minutes!


oh... yeah..... DFH EZX comes with like 7,000+ midi files!:headbang:
The Monster!
Kenny Lee said:
I have permission to post a EZ drummer DFH tune!
20 minutes! That's how long it took to make this. Everything is EZ drummer and it's midi files/ grooves. No post work, just Ozone to level things out some. You can hear all the boo boo's and mistakes, mainly because I didn't want to go back and fix nothing. I wanted to see how fast I could make a decent heavy beat! Just dragged and dropped a few grooves into place and made up a rythym.:kickass:

Here's another, about 15 minutes!


oh... yeah..... DFH EZX comes with like 7,000+ midi files!:headbang:
The Monster!

Muahah, shit. Seems like I'll have to get this one just for the midi files ... holy ...
damn... sounds very realistic. I can tell that with more time and some better processing one could make some killer sounding drum tracks. The cymbals sound great.
Mmm, for the cymbals sound very fake (well, for a fake :lol: ), especially the ride. And the snare sounds like there's only one sample :p

But ah well, it was so in the original DFH too. I'll await for a EzDrummer 2: The Metallion :D
For me it's horrible...the snare and the cymbals sounds very fake, like the standard ezdrummer. I don't know if there are eqs and effects in those samples.
DFHS is way better than ezdrummer.
Cymbals sound a tiiny bit fake but not terrible at all. Some post processing would help that I'm sure. Everything else sounds impressive as hell to me. I want this now.
its interesting to hear how easy it is to knock up a tune, the midi file library is probably the best part...after buying that abortion BFD, I've shyed away from drumming software,
I agree, it can sound a lot better for sure, my complaint is about the patterns, they are played by a mercyless robot with no sense of any dynamic.
The sounds...a lot thinner than I expected, I even double-checked the mp3's on different speakers ( My computer Maudio Studio3 and my mate's Event 20-20)
I prefer to wait a little more and hear users playing around with it and decide then, I'll stick with Battery and Nstudio for now.
Haha... thanks for listening.

I just love the >>>
Sounds quite bad to me. Alike to the original DFH with no velocity variance. I prefer what I've been able to get out of the stock EZD pack.
I disected no midi files. Just dragged and dropped a few from the thousands to choose from. You can always go deep into your piano roll editor and tweak to your hearts content ;)

and the
For me it's horrible...the snare and the cymbals sounds very fake, like the standard ezdrummer. I don't know if there are eqs and effects in those samples.
DFHS is way better than ezdrummer.
DFHS is almost $300, 85,000 (.wav) files and 35 gigs BIG! That's why it sounds better :)
and this one>>>
And the snare sounds like there's only one sample :p
It was midi samples from ONE block of over thousands of patterns. Untouched! I did NO post work to either the guitars or drums. It took me longer to hook my guitar and amp and turn on my G5.... than it did to make the clips.....showing just how easy it can be to make some heavy ass beats. I believe I did one with the room setup and one with the default setup. Yeah, it may not be for everyone. If you prefer Rock sounding drums get the EZXpansion Vintage! Cobham/ Rudd styled beats!:headbang:
EZ Drummer and the DFH EZX pack will better many Metal music users drum sounds! They'll sound more like a 'real' drummer, without having to spend hours/days/weeks on one tune programming the drums:loco:

Like I said, just wanted to post a few EZ Drummer DFH EZXpansion samples..... if they're that horrible to you......you can always go out and buy bfd and rawk out:lol:

Take it easy guys!
I understand what you did, and I believe using that same approach and the stock EZD samples you can get a better sound. It wasn't taking a dig at you or anything. I just have to state that I'm not impressed with those core sounds.
Kenny Lee said:
Like I said, just wanted to post a few EZ Drummer DFH EZXpansion samples..... if they're that horrible to you......you can always go out and buy bfd and rawk out:lol:
Nah, what I mean is that EzDrummer itself sounds better than the DFH EZX kit. And my criticism comes from the fact that even if you are the only viable solution in the market (EZ/DFH vs BFD), it does not mean you cannot/don't have to outdo yourself and do something better. To put it simple, I want a metal kit with EzDrummer/DFHS production quality, but the straightforwardness (and small size) of EzDrummer.

What EzDrummer currently lacks is more cymbals that behave just like the main crash on it right now, which sounds very nice and realistic compared to anything DFH (original) has and can do straight away. How to describe it... the cymbals in DFH do have velocity levels, but it only sounds like it's a single sample that is just manually lowered in level, not like in EzDrummer where even a single MIDI velocity cymbal hit will sound like there's several samples used for different hits. Ie. one velocity level has multiple samples recorded to it, compared to just one hit per velocity level. :zombie:

For example:

Crash hit: x---x---x---x---
velocity: 100 100 100 100

In DFH, that sounds like only one sample is used, while in EzDrummer the sound seems to use four samples like it should to be realistic.