EZ-Drummer vs Steven Slate Samples (Noob inside)

David Lee Hasselhoff

New Metal Member
Apr 27, 2009
Hi all!

First post! Soooo... I got myself good old trustworthy EzDrummer just to record some demoish stuff. Thanks some intense lurking on this forum it doesn't sound THAT demo-like anymore. Thanks a LOT! Obviously the drums still do. :Smug: Now, is there any way to pimp up EZDrummer? I've heard some Steven Slate Samples and I guess they are the way to go. So, would there be a way to convert my EZDrummer stuff to the Slate-player? On the other hand: as this is really just a one-off, I don't really wanna spend that much on loads of kits I won't ever possibly need, so are there any cheap (free :)) samples that sound good? Soundwise I'm thinkin Tommy Lee or vintage Nicko McBrain...
Whatever. Any help greatly appreciated! :)
i highly recommend the slate collection, i got the le version and in it, it has a Tommy lee kit, which i think is awesome, and sounds like it would be the perfect sound for you
Slate's working on a cheap entry level pack with like 10 kits included, rather than fuck loads of them.

Aside from that, there are fucking assloads of samples getting posted on this forum.
Check out some of Lasse's snare samples. He posts new snare samples periodically on here. Whenever he's recording a new band you can expect new samples like clockwork. Great samples too.
Then there's Andy Sneap's Chimaira samples, which sound great. There's the Chris Adler snare (and a fuck load of other mapex snares) floating around, loads of stuff man.
The user Behindert has a big pack o' samples in his signature too, a lot of which are excellent and have become regulars in my mixes.

But these are all predominantly metal samples. :S

Also: Welcome to the forum dude.
Both are processed sample packages...i just tried EZ and Slate free snare, but i would prefer EZ drummer for their map, rolls, ruffs, cymbals, tom's right and left hand on DKFH expansion....i think the Slate Samples is a little bit overated here (sorry, had to say that) because people usually say: "oh, it sounds nice" but don't even care with wich snare and mic was used there. I am almost sure that this is a need when you want to pick up a sample that really helps you to get a sound that you won't come up by just processing it yourself.
does slate work the same way as EZ-drummer where you can import midi files and it will play them back? or is it just a sample collection?
I don't know for 3.0 but 2.0 and older are sample library and they totally are worth the purchase.
3.0 is a fully featured thingymabob like ezdrummer and DFH and all that stuff.

And dom, as long as it sounds good, does it matter what was used to achieve the sound?
There was a Marshall practice amp (I think it was at least) blended with a 5150 on Heartwork, same goes for Slaughter of the Soul as well, although that might have been a valvestate.
Just goes to show that good sounds can come from unusual places.
if it sounds good, basically who cares what was used to record it?
why not:Smug:


they are good for messing around with the drums but if you want to make a complete song with this...too much frickle, only a few variations, it takes more time to change a existing groove then to program it.

have you ever used the EZ midi system!?
best system ever!

have you ever used the EZ midi system!?
best system ever!


FYI... The Toontrack EZPlayer "midi system" works with Steven Slate Drums flawlessly. I'll also add the Jerry Lyons Grooves are probably 10X more useable for rock/metal than Toontrack's midi. SSD is also much larger than EZDrummer. In EZDrummer, you would need to buy 40EZx's to equal what SSD 3.0 has.
And dom, as long as it sounds good, does it matter what was used to achieve the sound?

Depends... that's just my point of view, but i will give a example just to share it: Let's assume that i have a Mapex snare and a Shure mic.... if i use a processed sample of this same Mapex snare and Shure mic i will be attesting my incapacity to fit the sound to my needs when i should try.
It's like to use some mix technique just to enhance the sound despite the real effect.
But i love drum replace, and i know that's a time saviour of many busy and amazing guys that run their studios best as they can.
So can you import something like guitar pro midi drum tracks into SSD 3.0 and assign a kit to it, then voila?
Yay! Had a look at the EZ Player and tested it with the Addictive Drums demo. Awesome! Easy as pie. Spend ****loads of time programming my drums and nearly ruined a good pair of pants thinkin' I'd have to do it again for a more pleasing sound. I think I'll just keep waiting a bit until Mr. Slate offers cheap stuff for cheap people :)

@Dom: That's a work ethic I won't be able to match! I'm a musician and nothing more. The less I have to worry about production issues the better it is. And dealing in a good (make that "any") drum sound definitely exceeds my capabilities :ill: