EZ Drummer Samples Pre processed ?

Apr 24, 2008
Hi guys, long time no see.
well me and my bro want to buy a midi keyboard for faster drum prgramming. So Music store now offers one particular midikeyboard with EZ Drummer for only 40 € Upgrade. So i did some research if it would worth the additional cash, cause i was looking for drum samples/trigger program to complement AD Drums, which i amusing now. Here comes the deal:

I highly suspect those samples are pre processed like Slate Samples, which somehow detains me from dropping the additional 40 € on the keyboard. Now my question to those of you with EZDrummer is, are those samples pre processed ? And if so, are they suited for individual post processing anyway ?

Hope this question was not raised before....did some research...couldn't find anything.

EZD samples are already highly processed, but nobody prevents you from further processing. At least I do and I prefer the results over SD2.0 (incl. MF and Lost NY Studio thingy SDXs), especially after mixing in some Slate Kicks and Snare.
Thanks for all the answers. Just found the Drum Progams Examples thread. Gonna check some of those soundfiles and maybe then i will know wether to buy or not to buy :P
Again thanx for the answers.
Hi...sorry for the late reply but was on Holiday in Italy :rock:
Just wanted to thank everyone for the answers...thanks RiF for the sound samples. Sounds efffin' good :kickass: