Ez Mix as a tool.

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
At first I was with everyone else with this thing "teh fuck presets?"

But in using it, I actually get the usefulness of it... as long as you don't expect it to be an end all and use it as just another tool, the plugin is actually great for the price.

Think about it, you have a socket wrench with a multitude of sockets and a drill that only has 3 sizes of sockets...

Wouldn't you try the drill before the socket wrench to see if it works knowing it will get you there faster if it does?

For the record, I own this plugin I have only purchased one of the add ons (will probably shell for the Suecof ones eventually).
Blasphemy!!! How dare you?

I bought it a while ago. In fact I just had it as the last vst in my chain that I was practicing bass guitar with. I don't really see a difference between using it for effects and effects rack units that have presets on them.

I am just some chode making demos in my bedroom, so I am exactly the consumer this is aimed at.

I wish I had stuff like this when I was in highschool making songs on a four track.
While EZmix is a great tool when used as such, the thing I hate the most about it is the complete lack of any feedback or explanation as to what it is each 'preset' is really doing. It'd be great if you could right-click each fader and it would come up with an expanded view of each parameter it's controlling, and you can see what it's doing as you move the control fader up and down. Instead of just giving them a plugin that solves their 'how to make metulz' dilemma, why not teach them what it is that's actually going on, so you know, they can actually learn?

To clarify, I do use it here and there in mixes if I want some over-the-top, ultra-processed effect. One of the choir presets works really well at fucking up drums in a good way.
To be honest the only time I ever use EZmix is as an effect. Like for example I might use a 'telephone' effect on an intro for vocals or whatever.
While EZmix is a great tool when used as such, the thing I hate the most about it is the complete lack of any feedback or explanation as to what it is each 'preset' is really doing. It'd be great if you could right-click each fader and it would come up with an expanded view of each parameter it's controlling, and you can see what it's doing as you move the control fader up and down. Instead of just giving them a plugin that solves their 'how to make metulz' dilemma, why not teach them what it is that's actually going on, so you know, they can actually learn?

To clarify, I do use it here and there in mixes if I want some over-the-top, ultra-processed effect. One of the choir presets works really well at fucking up drums in a good way.

Yeah that would be nice, but they do tell you what each slider controls... just not specifically what it is set at (you know if it's controlling frequency or something it doesn't say what freq it's boosting when at rest etc...).

Come to think of it, I actually only use it as an effect as well. There is usually an eq and compressor before the thing gets used if it does get used.

I must say as well, the reverb is nothing to write home about. :lol: