EZdrummer kick processing?


Feb 15, 2007
I'm trying to get a kick sound similar to the latest Illogicist with ezdrummer.
You can hear a song at this link

I just love that kick. I'm trying to get close to this sound but i'm not getting there. not even close. The illogicist kick is kind of clicky but also has a softness to it (like a little smeared out) i just cannot get with the ezdrummer kick. Do jou guys think it is possible to get something similar? Maybe some plugins i should try?
If any of you guys also use ezd and can help me i would realy appreciate your help.

Thanks a lot
dude the kicks in ezdrummer pretty much suck for metal. if your using the dfh add on i suggest find a nice sample. if you are using the pop/rock kit take out alot of the room and the bleed and itll be a somewhat clicky kick that you can mix in with your dfh kick. if you dont want to go through all that try just using samples and use those for kicks.


theres a lot of good samples on there.
Ok, but i don't want to use other samples.
Where is the fun in using others hard work. i rather learn than simply copy someones sounds.
i'm getting a little bit closer now.
Listen to sample eztest
It is on soundclick, so i had to convert to mp3 128kps. there is some detail lost, but you get the idea.


It is just a simple doubble kick thingy
What do you guys think?
Ok, but i don't want to use other samples.
Where is the fun in using others hard work. i rather learn than simply copy someones sounds.

newsflash, hombre: when you use ezdrummer...YOU ARE USING SOMEONE ELSE'S SOUNDS!

the problem is that those sounds fucking suck for some stuff - so replace them with sounds that don't suck

if you want to be a fucking purist, go find a drummer and mic a kit, or make your own samples for your own personal use or something
I get your point.
Thanks for the positive feedback.

I just wanted to state that getting the result i want by doing the eq, comp etz. myself would be far more rewarding for me than taking the shortrun.
I just wanted to state that getting the result i want by doing the eq, comp etz. myself would be far more rewarding for me than taking the shortrun.

The samples in EZD have already been EQ'd and compressed. It is intended to deliver a finished product. Trying to EQ the sounds into something different is a losing battle. Get some unprocessed samples to learn processing with.
agreed....I think you've got the right attitude in wanting to learn how to go about getting results by learning the skills to do so, but your source (EZDrummer) isn't particularly conducive to the kind of manipulation you want to do as it's pre-processed. Some tweaking may get you different results, but it's harder to change something (for the better) that's already "produced".
I get your point.
Thanks for the positive feedback.

I just wanted to state that getting the result i want by doing the eq, comp etz. myself would be far more rewarding for me than taking the shortrun.

sorry if i came off as a dick...but honestly, i don't understand wanting to "get your own sounds" when you're using samples. the way i see it, if you're using samples in any form, you're using the sound of someone else's arms, sticks, drums, room, mics, pres, eq's, and compressors.

since you've already gone that far, you might as well just find a sample that's in the neighborhood of what you want in the 1st place, because dicking around with a pre-processed sample will only get you so far, and will probably just end up causing mass frustration. if you look around on this forum, there's some really great unprocessed samples that have been posted/shared, which you can then use in place of the EZD samples, and eq/comp/whatever else to taste.
Well, you CAN tweak it.

http://media.putfile.com/meattest I dont find it sounding like the normal kick here. And i only tweaked some settings in some waves plugin(cant remember the name atm)

Edit: I use the DKFH addon there.

those drums sound like every other ezdrummer dkfh add on i have ever heard. very thin. I could barely tell there was even a snare in that. great guitars though man!
say I wanted to use a sample of a kick that was posted here in ezdrummer. Since theres a left kick and right kick are they different samples? how could I import this to use in ezdrummer? put the sample in the sound files folder? this might help the kick sound better if a different sample is used. What do you guys think?
those drums sound like every other ezdrummer dkfh add on i have ever heard. very thin. I could barely tell there was even a snare in that. great guitars though man!

Yeah, i had a good listin to it now on my 5.1 set(i mixed it on my headphones) And you are right its way to thin.

Ezdrummers samples have a wierd tendesy to change volume from sample to sampel sometimes. I have no compressor on the snare there so it must be the samples(it was a rough mix so the drummer can understand it)

Thanks on the guitars though! Getting that hm-2 to mix trough is a megabitch.
The samples in EZD have already been EQ'd and compressed. It is intended to deliver a finished product. Trying to EQ the sounds into something different is a losing battle. Get some unprocessed samples to learn processing with.

I was told by the guy in the store where i bought it, that if i choose "dry" in it it would without any EQ or comp. just raw sound.
those drums sound like every other ezdrummer dkfh add on i have ever heard. very thin. I could barely tell there was even a snare in that. great guitars though man!

im considering buying the add on to ez drummer. will i get the same drumssounds as in superior? should i rather buy the real DFH superior??
I was told by the guy in the store where i bought it, that if i choose "dry" in it it would without any EQ or comp. just raw sound.

Sadly "dry" is just a preset which lowers the ambience fader to give the kit more of a dry feel....which dosent change the fact that there is still comp and EQ etc on it.
say I wanted to use a sample of a kick that was posted here in ezdrummer. Since theres a left kick and right kick are they different samples? how could I import this to use in ezdrummer? put the sample in the sound files folder? this might help the kick sound better if a different sample is used. What do you guys think?

I have used Ez drummer Drumkit from Hell ( looking to start using DFHS), that has the double kick, the 2nd kick is there for show, where if you take your mouse and click on each drum you will hear the sound it produces, when you click the 2nd kick it moves the 1st kick drum beater (check it out), so it shares the same sample....also from what i know is that you can not add samples into their(ezdrummer) folder..i could be wrong...you could use drumagog http://www.drumagog.com/, were you find a sample you like set it in drumagog and use the ez drummer kick to trigger the sample you are using in drumagog..and you can mix the 2 together or just use the drumagog kick ..
^ Thats a good idea. I've noticed in the samples folder that there are samples named KD01_01_PK_FH_R_H06 and KD03_01_PK_FH_L_H05. Those might mean its a different sample for left kick and right kick. I've noticed that the single beater moves regardless of which kick your using. I just wondering if they are using a slight pan and different processing to make it sound like a double kick.