Metalcore/deathcore deep bass kick mixing?


Aug 18, 2006
Hi i made the above song in fl studio, yes it sounds like shit but its not too bad compared to fl slayer. I'm using a triggered kick in ezdrummer and i have the born of osiris kick from one of the cover threads,also have the the_best_kick_in the_ world sample kick and i want to make them sound hard hitting like white chapel etc. Also whats plugins would i need?

I added waves maxx bass to the kick, it sounds close but it's not quite there
too bad that there are no whitechapel or asking alexandria kicks available:lol:

you do mean the kick and not the sub drops right?
actually i think the normal kick is fine really, i think you should focus more on the other stuff, some of the instuments seem to be not in sync rhytmically
i hate to say it, but the context is also important, if you want your kick to sound cool you shouldn't be focusing too much on the kick itself, because a kick on its own usually can't sound cool without a context
seriously, work on the other stuff too, focus more on the whole thing and it'll work itself out
i also want heaver sound i have mk revavler, tss, kfir,vintage overdrive,electric q. can i use any other vsts? I also changed the guitar made them sound a little better and duplicated the tracks one sustained one not i'm using a alright guitar plugin called revitar

Also does anyone have an eq'd deep kick sample?

Seriously though, the kick is by far the best thing in that mix. I don't know how you managed to get the synths out of time. Double track the guitars.