my friend Tony's cousin, [font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Spec. Carrie L. French, 19, of Caldwell, ID died Sunday in Kirkuk, Iraq, when an improvised explosive device exploded and hit a vehicle in which she was convoying.
but what's fucked up is [/font][font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]a Kansas preacher and gay rights foe whose congregation is protesting military funerals around the country said he's coming to Idaho tomorrow to picket the memorial for an Idaho National Guard soldier killed in Iraq.
A flier on the Web site of Pastor Fred Phelps' Westboro Baptist Church claims God killed Cpl. Carrie French with an improvised explosive device in retaliation against the United States for a bombing at Phelps' church six years ago. "We're coming," Phelps said yesterday...
this is the same moron who wants to erect the statue commemorating that gay kid who got murdered, Matthew Shepherd, and the same guy who was rejoicing about you Scandinavians being killed by the tsunami.