F@cked Up for sure


my friend Tony's cousin, [font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Spec. Carrie L. French, 19, of Caldwell, ID died Sunday in Kirkuk, Iraq, when an improvised explosive device exploded and hit a vehicle in which she was convoying.

but what's fucked up is
[/font][font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]a Kansas preacher and gay rights foe whose congregation is protesting military funerals around the country said he's coming to Idaho tomorrow to picket the memorial for an Idaho National Guard soldier killed in Iraq.

A flier on the Web site of Pastor Fred Phelps' Westboro Baptist Church claims God killed Cpl. Carrie French with an improvised explosive device in retaliation against the United States for a bombing at Phelps' church six years ago. "We're coming," Phelps said yesterday...

this is the same moron who wants to erect the statue commemorating that gay kid who got murdered, Matthew Shepherd, and the same guy who was rejoicing about you Scandinavians being killed by the tsunami.
He be needin' some lovin' with the thumscrews, chin fork, iron maiden, judas cradle....

Seriously, there are probably only 2,000 or so people in the last century who were/are such an utter waste of sperm as Fred Phelps.
It's always sad to hear when good soldiers die, im sorry Liz. Her life wasn't a waste, thats for sure, and dieing as a soldier is a proud way to leave the world in my book. I'm sorry to hear this and I hope all is well, and I'm sure her friends and family are proud she was not only a US Soldier but also a good person (not that I know her, and not to sound like im intruding. If so, sorry)
i'm confused. why would the guy want to erect a statue commemorating the gay kid? is he a gay activist or what? also, i don't get what he's doing with the military funerals. is he protesting them? why?
whatever. this is america and he can do what he wants. unless you get enough people to sign a petition effectively banning him from your town.
sorry your friend's cousin died, man. that sucks for her family. 19. jeez.
dorian gray said:
i'm confused. why would the guy want to erect a statue commemorating the gay kid? is he a gay activist or what? also, i don't get what he's doing with the military funerals. is he protesting them? why?
whatever. this is america and he can do what he wants. unless you get enough people to sign a petition effectively banning him from your town.
Phelps is a sick and hateful man. There are few things on this world that I would call evil, and he is certainly one of them.

hahaha! godhatessweden.com that's hilarious. i may have to visit that site sometime. i want to be on his list. godhatesdorian.com

anyway, this guy (and others like him) give christianity a bad rep. freaks like these have more to do with their own psychological shortcomings and less to do with living a Christian life. they could use any belief system to foster their hate - in this case, they chose the bible.

seriously dudes this is the first Iraq death which has actually been someone related to someone I know, if that makes any sense. I have said it before, and I firmly believe it, one American is one death too many for those fuckers over there.

Tully, I also believe the military is an honorable profession, and that our soldiers are incredibly valuable. Unfortunately they are a tool frequently used in the pursuit of goals which are not worth it, by men who have no personal idea of the sacrifice it requires.
most american soldiers enlist because they come from shitty areas with no prospects or see the college fund as a means of getting an education their families may not otherwise be able to afford. Death or physical/mental maiming is an occupational hazard which hopefully they have seriously considered.

they get paid, but not much. nobody goes into the US Armed Forces thinking they're going to get rich off battlefield booty. If you really want to know who the true mercenaries are, its the "contractors" working for the private security corporations over there. those guys are making outrageous amounts.
Mercenary Organizations:

Defence Systems Limited

Eggington House
25-28 Buckingham Gate
London, England SW1E 6LD
(0171) 233-5611, FAX: (0171) 233-7434
e-mail: DSL_London@dial.pipex.com


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St. Helior, Jersey JE4 81Y
Channel Islands, U.K.
[44] (1534) 74-707

Military Professional Resources Inc.

1201 East Abingdon Drive, Suite 425
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
(703) 684-0853, FAX: (703) 684-3528
e-mail info@mpri.com

you can find out alot more by reading Robert Young Pelton's frequently updated "The World's Most Dangerous Places," which is an interesting read all on its own.

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