Fabfilter pro-Q equalizer opinion


Jun 28, 2013
Paris, France
Hey guys :
What do you think about fabfilter Pro-Q equalizer, I think people who master electronic music use, so I needed your opinion about it.
I know that there's no metal eq and pop eq etc...... But didn't hear anyone here use it. Plus, it's so colorful that it only misses a unicorn.
What do you think?
Where do you guys get this thing? It costs $200 on their website. Unless it also prints money, idk how you could justify that. Then again, I don't make money off of mixing. But it's a genuine question, since I've never seen an EQ that expensive.
The FabFilter Pro-Q is an excellent EQ, which I use all the time alongside my hardware EQs. At €149 Euros it is a no brainer, even if you are currently not making any money from your work. DMG Audio EQuality (another of my go-to digital EQs) is also very good, though EQuilibrium is perhaps better still.

Hope that helps in your decision making.
I'm pretty sure they JUST had a sale. It's worth the money. If you need a good eq for cheap look for Metric Halo's channel strip. I think you can still get it for WAAAAY below msrp right now. Like $30?
If the controls in this plug-in were the same as eQuality, it'd be perfect.

Agreed, the main thing that stops me from using Pro-Q is not being able to hold right-click to adjust the Q. Pro-Q's GUI is so enticing but EQuality's controls just flow so much better.
Agreed, the main thing that stops me from using Pro-Q is not being able to hold right-click to adjust the Q. Pro-Q's GUI is so enticing but EQuality's controls just flow so much better.

You just hold command in pro-q. Or turn the mouse wheel. How is that any slower? I haven't tried EQuality yet, mostly because I already have pro-q and metric halo. Between those, the stock pro tools, and waves api I don't use much else. I really like the fact that pro-q can add as many bands as you want.

What else is it about EQuality that you guys like better?