Face Down – The Will to Power

Face Down – The Will to Power
Black Lodge – BLOD069CD - 04.11.05

By Sam Brokenshaw


For those of us that even remember the last time this band released anything, memories should be fond. "The Twisted Rule the Wicked" was an excellent piece of modern thrash in every single way you'd care to think of. Marco Aro is the pissed raging bull of a frontman, also possessing many facets in his chosen brand of half shouting half singing. The music matched up to this too, a raging wall of the kind of guitars your mother warned you about and hammering percussion, nailing your skull to the nearest fixed or partitioned wall.

"The Will To Power" takes things a step further into the angry, brutal, sadistic and often disturbing world of Marco Aro's lyricism. Make no mistake, this album hits like 50 tonnes of concrete onto a helpless invertebrate that happened to be in the way. The snare has the kind of attack that only the German Army perfected during the Blitzkrieg. The guitars are nearly in the Dismember realm of aural chainsaw fun, both cutting and precise. Aro sounds more pissed off than ever, the lyrical themes often dwelling on the misanthropic and homicidal nature of violent serial killers.

Anyone with a penchant for brutal death-thrash or else wants to really, really piss off their parents should look into this new album by an often overlooked and underrated band.


Face Down's Official Website
Black Lodge's Official Website