Fackoing mersive Interview for Krauts

you boyz zound great auf german! zvery menly
liked the interview, quite detailed, better than most shorties i read till now.

>is it true that there's coming out a new album

d: yes, in februar, accoustic with strings

>that's jawohl quite quick

d: yeah well, that's a year, for me rather a long time (grins) we're not the laziest ones

>there are bands who need 5 years for that

d: that are bands who made their name and are able to do so, who sell because of their name.
both of us write songs, mick is ready with his deal for the new album, i still need to write some lyrics. we did all our gigs accoustic till so far, so we tought it was the right time for an acoustic album. perhaps we'll be fed up with the accoustic part after that and have energy for different things.

i like that. and i like all these christmas demos and stuff. probably i'd listen to any fart you'd publish and call music, but whatever, zii am zankful zfor yous. jeezebel.