Faderhead - Dirtygrrrls/Dirtybois Video Released!


Apr 8, 2006
Hamburg, Germany
After 2 days of editing the Dirtygrrrls/Dirtybois music video is ready for release! T

For those of you who know the track - the breakdown is featuring my good friend Ultimate MC, so there might be a little surprise there ...

Enough blabber, check it out!

- FH
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Looks awesome!

Curious though, why use a track off of FH2 instead of FH3? Just its popularity?
Wow dude, lots of memorable moments in that vid - I fucking died laughing when Ultimate MC just burst in out of nowhere, and seeing that one dude bump and get so into the music while he repeatedly gingerly tapped the same button on that sampler gave me a good chuckle as well (there are some things you just can't look cool playing :lol: ) The blonde chick was absolutely gorgeous, good god, but I actually found the brunette with the pony tail (who was in the first solo dancing shot, and also joined in with UMC's spasming :D) to be even more alluring; something about her mannerisms, damn! I kinda would've liked for a bit more variety in the song, but I guess it's meant to be a club jam, so I suppose the idea there is write a couple of strong sections, and then milk 'em for all they're worth! :D Strong sections indeed dude, very "bumpin'", as the kids say these days :lol:
Oh, but what happened to the face of the guy doing the shot near the beginning? And simply out of curiosity, who the hell are all these people anyway? :lol: (meaning, are they extras, or do you know all of them?)
Sascha Konietzko from KMFDM called..he wants his look back. :lol:

i keep thinking the topic title says "eraserhead" and not "faderhead"
so i had to post.
Thanks guys!

Öwen: I chose this track for 2 reasons - a) popularity that it already has achieved (it is still a major clubhit in the darkelectro/goth scene 2 years after its release - dont ask me why!!) and b) because I will be talking to some major labels and wanted to make a very "MTV-friendly/mass appeal"-type video for my most mass-compatible song. Nothing is really set in stone yet, but now I got a good package of good live show, strong photography and professional videos to back up my act.

SocialNumb: yea, that's her - the other girl is my friend Eric's girl (he's the dude who drinks the beer in one scene) ... that's how it looks at my house every other weekend!

Metaltastic: the scene with Shawn (Ultimate MC) was purposely shot in a Busta Rhymes kind of look. The brunette dancer is my percussionist's girlfriend (professional dancer). And yes, the song is purposely made to be ultra commercial. It actually was a joke in the beginning but my old label said I should make the kickdrum harder and release it ... Most of the people in the video are people I know, either from clubs or from my circle of friends. A few have been from out of town cause they applied to the casting call and made it thru. The guy with the shot glass simply looks like that and always has! Check out a picture I took of him at: http://www.samiyahya.net/photo_02.jpg

KeithReyn: haha, totally! When I was thinking of a better look for Faderhead back in 2005, Eric and I looked through a lot of photos and I liked one of KMFDM the most. It was simply a look I thought I could pull off well, that actually could fit my personality AND that makes me look very different from real life. I know Stefan from the clubs here in Hamburg (he moved back to Germany last year I think), but I don't like either KMFDM's music or him on a personal level.

slayercannibalsuffohead: I think the difference is that in my case this is blatant club-electro with a cheesy/funny/sexy vibe. Kinda like Scooter in a more modern way. AttackAttack on the other hand paint themselves as these emotional, dark, disturbed, hardcore dudes who play serious music while looking like total dumbasses. I look like a total dumbass and it actually fits the music cause it's a party tune. Also girls never hurt - and the girl in the AttackAttack video at best reminds me of my neighbors mom ... :)
Dirty girls rules, video is great and very nice for the style... but I miss some fucking thundering metal guitars!

If you need people to appear on your videos drinking beer sorrounded by hot girls, I'm your man. No matter how many takes do you have to shoot.
Awesome dude!
Although i still like TZDV better, both the song and the vid (both get played quite regularly in my "usual club"...)

That Ultimate MC part is pretty cool as well, i totally forgot what you posted about "a little surprise"
when i watched, i was like WTF :D
Hmmmmmm! Attack Attack get hundreds of posts about how shit their music and clip is, but throw a couple of girls in a clip with a shit song (and add a sneapster) and you get posts on how great it is! Facepalm!

hey dude I think you should start to have some respect for the members of this forum. As a Slayer fan I think you should not comment on eletro music and stay in your little world of dirty trash metal.
Haha, Felix, right on! :)

That's one thing a lot of people don't understand: Tracks like "Dirtygrrrls/Dirtybois" are usually listened to when drunk, stoned, high and/or partying with other people. It just works very well then! No possibility to overthink things: dirty girls = good, asses = good, bois = dirty = good ... simple, innit? :)
This concept is very good, because the whole fucking world is getting drunk at some certain moments :D Give the people what they want..Money don´t stinks. And chicks always works fucking well! Awaking primitive instincts.

Production of the video and sound is awesome! Great work imo.