Faderhead - Dirtygrrrls/Dirtybois Video Released!

Hmmmmmm! Attack Attack get hundreds of posts about how shit their music and clip is, but throw a couple of girls in a clip with a shit song (and add a sneapster) and you get posts on how great it is! Facepalm!

once again, how mean do you people have to be to each other? Its not anywhere near what Attack Attack is doing. This is made for clubs and parties and such. Geez this forum is starting to kill me.
nice one!

I actually heard a that song a few weeks ago I think-not sure, was a little bit drunk and there were 2 hot girls making out with each other 2 metres away from me (don't tell that to my girlfriend).
Good work Smy1,

You and the crew involved should try and get it distributed to Aussie land,you have a couple of months before our summer kicks in,i can see it going off during that time.
Not my scene but clubland would love it.
Best of luck.