Faith No More - Sol Invictus


Dec 16, 2002
So the new FNM record has been "out there" for a few days now - has anyone been listening to it?

I have given it a full 4 listens, and overall: AMAZING.

I was underwhelmed by it first time around, I think because it's a very piano driven record - certainly more so than any other FNM album, but when they heavy it up a bit, it's the FNM of old that we all loved 25 years ago.

Awesome tunes: Superhero, Sunny Side Up, Separation Anxiety, Cone of Shame, Rise of the Fall, Black Friday, Motherfucker, and Matador. That really only leaves the intro and outro songs, which are "ok".

Definitely needs repeated listens, but if you're a fan of this band in any way and not expecting to hear the really metal stuff like Caffeine and Malpractice and Surprise You're Dead, you'll love this after a few spins.
Pretty sure it's not out officially yet, but I've heard that it's leaked. I'll wait for the album.
Me too, I'm really getting back to physical copies only. Not going to renew my XM subscription as I have a CD player and am going back to that. Don't listen to full albums on youtube anymore either.
It's leaked. I listened to it today. I agree - needs a few listens but wow, it is good. Diverse.

Don't expect anything like their previous material and in typical FNM style they show they won't conform to anyone or anything. It is far more piano driven and reminds me a lot of earlier Tomahawk in parts. More low key, mellower stuff.

The signature synths, crunching guitar riffs, bouncing bass and tom-tom work isn't so evident on this one.

That said - THANK YOU FNM - you truly are the most unique band on the planet.

One last thing - come May 21st when its released I'll be the first to go buy the CD.
One last thing - come May 21st when its released I'll be the first to go buy the CD.

Yeah me too. Looking forward to hearing a great quality version. The leaked one so far sounds pretty crappy.
I've noted small differences in this version of Superhero vs the one they released officially previously.

I suspect this leak is the non-final mix.
I've found that when I listen to leaked material or even hear a whole album on youtube with full intentions on buying the product, I never end up buying the product as a result because I've heard it and know I can stream it any time. That's not fair to the artists so I'm waiting to buy it. As anxious as I am to hear this album I will wait, just me though I respect whatever everybody does.
Interesting as I'm the opposite. I regularly will go out and buy the product to support the band regardless of downloading something.

I'm old school in that I prefer having a physical copy on my shelf. I enjoy the liner notes and the artwork/packaging too. You don't get that from a digital file.

I agree though. Support the band - they've worked hard to produce that record so give them their rightful reward. Because if you don't they may not be around to produce more in the future.

Usually at work I use Spotify these days but nothing beats having something in your hands to pop into your CD player (or record player if you're lucky enough to have that kind of setup).
Interesting as I'm the opposite. I regularly will go out and buy the product to support the band regardless of downloading something.

I'm old school in that I prefer having a physical copy on my shelf. I enjoy the liner notes and the artwork/packaging too. You don't get that from a digital file.

Pretty much, same here. Guess I've already became an old school too.
@JohnnieCzech welcome to old school.

BTW 3rd day straight listening to the album - loving it. Brilliant.
I'm old school to but I been scraping cash since I was a youngster buying tapes at 15 bucks to to 30 dollars a tape very quickly and then on to CDs at 30 bucks a pop,I do dl but it's actually turned me on to more artists and buy more product,I can't help dl a fave artists before it's officially released,can't help myself lol
Ok day 5 in and I can't stop listening to this album.

I'm old school to but I been scraping cash since I was a youngster buying tapes at 15 bucks to to 30 dollars a tape very quickly and then on to CDs at 30 bucks a pop,I do dl but it's actually turned me on to more artists and buy more product,I can't help dl a fave artists before it's officially released,can't help myself lol

Me too.