Fake id's?

Jun 17, 2007
Hey guys. i've been listenin to opeth for a few years now, they're my fav band. the last time they came down to Meblourne (my home city), they played at an over 18's venue and i was unable to see them as i'm under 18. Well they are coming here again in september and i will again be unable to see them cos i'm still under 18.

I'm really disappointed, and i've been thinking of getting my hands on a Fake id. So i was just wandering what the chances r of me getting in with a fake id. Are there usually underage people at overage shows? (who have probably got in with fake ids).

So yeh, just wanna know if i would be wasting my time and money or not. I just really wanna see these guys live!!
lol @ "overage"

In Finland it's very usual that people go to gigs with fake id's. And it works pretty often. Depends on the bouncer though.
I very highly doubt you will get into the Palace with a fake. At PT the other week, I'm 22, and look it, and went with a group of people all my age and still had my ID checked. They were checking everyones very closely. But then again if you get a good one, maybe you'll be right, I wouldn't risk it though as your chances are moreso towards loosing the money you paid for the ticket. Although if you get there at the right time with the right guard who doesn't care, maybe you'll be right. Can you justify loosing 70 odd? If so then you may as well try. In the 06 Melbourne gig I know a few people who were 16 at the time and had no problems, the security at the forum wasn't as tight as the palace.
Hey guys. i've been listenin to opeth for a few years now, they're my fav band. the last time they came down to Meblourne (my home city), they played at an over 18's venue and i was unable to see them as i'm under 18. Well they are coming here again in september and i will again be unable to see them cos i'm still under 18.

I'm really disappointed, and i've been thinking of getting my hands on a Fake id. So i was just wandering what the chances r of me getting in with a fake id. Are there usually underage people at overage shows? (who have probably got in with fake ids).

So yeh, just wanna know if i would be wasting my time and money or not. I just really wanna see these guys live!!

Oooooohhh, we'll just report you to Mike and he will yell at you during the gig. "Hey, you, underage. Up against the wall!", and they'll all start playing In The Flesh instead.


Seriously, I guess it depends on how younger you look. If you're 14 I don't think you have a chance but 16 or 17 should do it.
Either get a parent to go with you, or try and find someone who is already going that doesn't mind pretending that they're your guardian. How old do you look..?
If you look over 18 and get your hands on a fake id, then you may just get in, and if you cant get in you can always try to scalp the ticket. I didnt risk it the first two times they came out here (was just lucky in 06), but then im not a risky person. A few of my friends tried to get into the cannibal corpse gig, a few got in, the rest scalped their tickets (which is also risky doing). Just decide whether its worth the risk of losin ya cash
I very highly doubt you will get into the Palace with a fake. At PT the other week, I'm 22, and look it, and went with a group of people all my age and still had my ID checked. They were checking everyones very closely. But then again if you get a good one, maybe you'll be right, I wouldn't risk it though as your chances are moreso towards loosing the money you paid for the ticket. Although if you get there at the right time with the right guard who doesn't care, maybe you'll be right. Can you justify loosing 70 odd? If so then you may as well try. In the 06 Melbourne gig I know a few people who were 16 at the time and had no problems, the security at the forum wasn't as tight as the palace.

Yeh thanks man. Hmm 70 bucks. Well these guys are my favorite band nd i just feel that if i don't give it a shot, I'm gonna regret it real bad.

Oh and, at the palace, if u go with a parent/guardian will they let u in? Cos my older cousin is going so if that's the case i could just go with her.
slayerized_metalhead - Your cousin is not your legal guardian, it will not work. Neither will a fake id, you wont get past the security as they are trained extensively to spot fakes.

Bad luck.
word to that.
I don't even get Id'd at a liquor store.

hahaha me either, ever

and to above, sometimes they are, sometimes they arent, i went to see motley drue like 6 years ago(laugh if you want, the sound quality was shit so it kinda sucked) i had mittens in my pocket(again laugh if you want), the guy grabs my pocket and goes "WHATS THIS???", i said mittens, he goes oh ok, feels one leg and lets me go in hahaha, terrible
Yeh thanks man. Hmm 70 bucks. Well these guys are my favorite band nd i just feel that if i don't give it a shot, I'm gonna regret it real bad.

Oh and, at the palace, if u go with a parent/guardian will they let u in? Cos my older cousin is going so if that's the case i could just go with her.
Yeah should be cool. I remember back in 03 when they came for the first time, it was pretty lucky they did and underage as I was still 17. I thought about trying to get into the overage, but let it go. I was pretty annoyed hearing the set list the next day of the concert I missed.
When Opeth came here in 2006, the concert was the day before my 18th. The group of mates I was with waited backstage, and after meeting the band we joined the queue, which even by 5pm was already quite long. I didn't know what my chances of getting in were... but then a nice woman in front of me called down the line to see if anyone wanted a parent to go in with.. (she had two daughters, so it didn't look too suspicious..) I went in with her and there were no problems whatsoever. As long as you're not like 15, getting in with an older cousin should be fine. Put it this way; I'd rather risk that and not get in, than not get a ticket and miss out.

..and don't grow a beard unless you can actually grow a proper beard.
seriously speaking here....If you dress up as a chick they won't check your ID.

if you really want to go....trust me it works. No I have't tried it but it works everytime. You don't have to go full on, just wig and lipstick and maybe a little eye shadow and blush. Your in! :headbang: good luck bud!
When Opeth came here in 2006, the concert was the day before my 18th. The group of mates I was with waited backstage, and after meeting the band we joined the queue, which even by 5pm was already quite long. I didn't know what my chances of getting in were... but then a nice woman in front of me called down the line to see if anyone wanted a parent to go in with.. (she had two daughters, so it didn't look too suspicious..) I went in with her and there were no problems whatsoever. As long as you're not like 15, getting in with an older cousin should be fine. Put it this way; I'd rather risk that and not get in, than not get a ticket and miss out.

..and don't grow a beard unless you can actually grow a proper beard.

great advice