Opeth in Melbourne... Underagers


Mar 2, 2003
Melbourne, Australia
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Hi everyone.... this being my first post and everything

well, i've already bought my ticket... now i just need to figure out how the hell i get into the over 18 gig. any other underagers in melbourne with the same problem?

i was looking to get some kinda fake id so i can get in. Does anyone have any suggestion for getting some, and also do people know how strict the security is gonna be at the corner hotel?
grr i'm so sick of getting excited when i see posts like this and then finding out its people with problems not sollutions :(
i can't help you in any way. do you have any ideas about getting into the arena up in qld ? :P
well, you can always try and bluff your way in... i know people who've done that sorta thing. But i mean, whether you could pull that off depends totally on the security there... and since there'll be someone checking tickets, it'd be hard to get past without them checking id.

Fake Id is probably the best bet. But again, that really depends on how tight the security is. Its pretty easy to get 'novelty' id cards from the uk - european student cards and that sorta thing. Security people legally aren't supposed to accept those as proof of age, but some do.
Yeah I've got the same problem... underage so I can't legally get into the gig... right now I"m not sure what to do because I'd need to get in 4 people all underage and that would just be a tad hard to do... so I guess I sit tight, weep and hope for next tour.
Yeah I know, all the best to you man... actually an idea would be to get all the underagers to rock up and protest there, so they can see how many of us have been fucked over by the current arrangements.