Fall ov Serafim - Nex Jehovae

Fall ov Serafim - Nex Jehovae
Regain Records - RR088 - 2006
By Paul Raw Nerve


I've got to admit to not knowing a great deal about Fall Ov Serafim prior to receiving this album on Regain Records, but even just from listening to the first minute of the opener 'Towards the Throne of Tragedy', I feel like a bit of backtracking through their discography is required.

Imagine if you will, Carnal Forge or the more thrashy straight forward moments of Textures given a touch more of a black metal feel to them, then you have the FoS basic sound. But, it's not just as simple as that, as a massive range of influences and hints of comparisons seep into my ears as I enjoy this one. Parts of quite a few songs hark to Emperor, with the keyboard overload and progressive classical touches. The main riffs running through 'A Poisoned Blessing' certainly take their lead from 'Rust In Peace' era Megadeth, especially 'Hangar 18'. The Covenant's 'Nexus Polaris' work of wonder also seems to be a favourite of the band.

'The Coming Conflict' is where the full progressive nature of this band shines through a little more as some quality ideas are emitted and enhanced by a sharp, crisp and suitable production, this whole album is an illuminating and interesting collection of songs that don't always quite follow how you expect them to, 'Carnival of Celestial Rape' drops in a thoroughly double-taking moment! High quality, infectious work.


UM's Review Rating Scale

Official Fall ov Serafim Website
Official Regain Records Website