Family Disputes

Jan 28, 2004
What is the worst fight/argument/confrontation you've ever gotten into with a family member... of any kind?

I once got into quite the spat with my mother, and she said, and I quote

"Your not my son, I didn't give birth to you, I SHAT YOU OUT!!!"

To this day I have never laughed so hard in my life for so long....
Once I stole a cookie.. and my mom said: "T. got to your room!" :Smug:
No, seriously.. When I was in the army :bah: , I got drunk every single weekend (when I was having weekend holidays). Then once it was mothersday and I was having THE hangover :puke: of my life. So I was forced to "skip" the traditional family lunch and my mom got very upset. She was crying and stuff, saying that I´m not respecting her "work" as a mother.. That was horrible. :cry:

From that day I´ve been trying to act as a "normals" do.. :err: No drinking before important days etc.

Once when I was a kid, I smashed my fist against my fathers face. He was "hurt" and very upset. He yelled like SATAN.. :mad: Not so "big thing" / unusual though but I was really scared (and I remember it). We cleared out the situation by talking.. :p
I don't argue so much with my parents, but when I do it's my worst nighthmare. When I usually argue with my mother she keeps it for days. There are never shoutings and stuff like that. However, the silence is what makes me feel so bad.
The worst case was when I was a kid (around 9 years old). She wanting to re-arrange the house so we had to move heavy stuff around. My dad was at work and it was me, her and my little brother (2 years younger than me). So she was all stressed and in tension asking us to help her and as i don't like intense situations i wasn't in my best mood. So, after a while I went in my room and sat on my bed when I heard some shouts of severe pain from my mother. She tried to move a very heavy table and something happened to her back, she couldn't move at all and she was crying from the pain. My brother was there with her trying to calm her down, when I was sitting in my room pretending I wasn't hearing anything. 2 hours passed with her crying from pain and I was still in my room. I never asked her if she was getting better or if she was ok. I then remember that she wouldn't talk to me for days. She was very sad about it. And that's one of the worst guilts i feel in my life till now. I still haven't got over it. (Yeah, I know...I was a real bastard in reality when i was a kid):(
i've had awful fights with my parents, i wouldnt know which one to choose
but the funniest/stupidest fight ive had was when my cousin, who is 2 yrs older than me, was staying at my house... we always played Risk, so we decided to invent a new map and called the game "rosk"... but my kid brother was playing and he didnt know the rules very well so he was tyring to influence him etc and we fought about it
didnt speak to each other for a week :p

well anyone who has played Risk knows what im talking about, we laugh about it now
The worst I've ever done is tell my mum to fuck off once. I'm far too passive, if they say something I don't agree with or something, I'll just not say anything and ignore it completely.
I'veh ad some pretty bad ones in the past... my mother an I got at it constantly... I think the LEASt of things ive said to her in the past would be fuck off
my parents are splitting up, over a month ago they was rowing and my dad hit my mum, infront of me and my younger sister, so i hit him... the whole arguement went on for about 4hours, i had to send one of my best friends home, who was supposed to be crashing at my house, we was watching some shitty vampire film with bon jovi in, then it just all started :(
My parents are very reasonable, as am I, so there is rarely anything to dispute.
I never argue with my parents, i think i had a few words when i was younger, but you grow up and realise that its all a bit silly, and you understand more when you have children of your own :)
Niklas said:
my parents are splitting up, over a month ago they was rowing and my dad hit my mum, infront of me and my younger sister, so i hit him... the whole arguement went on for about 4hours, i had to send one of my best friends home, who was supposed to be crashing at my house, we was watching some shitty vampire film with bon jovi in, then it just all started :(

I´m sorry to hear that! :erk: Rule number 1 has been raped. Never beat the lady!!! And the beater should be punished no matter what she have done. :yell: :rolleyes:
Yeah, sorry about that Niklas... that's always a hard thing, but sometimes it's neccessairy... my ex-girlfiend had to go through the same thing and it wasn't too cool... But sometimes it's for the better
I like to argue and contradict my parents. I always laugh when my mom tries to hit my brother because he's so much taller..I just laugh, then she tells me some shit and i find something to say against her. I win. My parents really arent good ones. The worst thing was probably when I yelled at my dad, and he got all pissed and started saying some crap I couldnt understand in his langauge and smacked me (ow?), and then he took my computer away for a yeah. And yesterday I used the "finger" on my mom. I ran to my room..

Eh, the weird thing is that everytime we get in a fight, the next day or after a couple of hours we just talk like normal, I dont think anyone has apologized in my house, unless its just a simple "oh oops sorry."
charnee said:
I like to argue and contradict my parents. I always laugh when my mom tries to hit my brother because he's so much taller..I just laugh, then she tells me some shit and i find something to say against her. I win. My parents really arent good ones. The worst thing was probably when I yelled at my dad, and he got all pissed and started saying some crap I couldnt understand in his langauge and smacked me (ow?), and then he took my computer away for a yeah. And yesterday I used the "finger" on my mom. I ran to my room..

Eh, the weird thing is that everytime we get in a fight, the next day or after a couple of hours we just talk like normal, I dont think anyone has apologized in my house, unless its just a simple "oh oops sorry."
that sounds like the kinda stuff that happens on neighbours or other crappy soap's