Family Disputes

My dad's only ever hit my mum once and she got straight into the car and drove off for about an hour. I was absolutely terrified of what was going on but she did come back, they made up and my dad was devastated about it all.

That wasn't a big fight though compared to some of the fights that have gone on in my house. My brother is 17 and has ADHD so he acts like a complete fucking wanker about 80% of the time and there are a lot of arguments and stuff. The worst one that's happened while I was in the house led to my dad walking out of the house to avoid my brother getting violent with him and one of them getting seriously hurt. My brother turned on me and mum instead, he threw our computer's cordless mouse at my mum and it hit the window, he was pushing her and threatening her and I said he should get the hell out of our house. He started to leave and I followed him into the kitchen, he turned round and told me to get the hell off him (I wasn't even touching him at the time but he said later that I was digging my nails into his neck), then punched me in the face. I had a hell of a bruise and it was the last straw for my parents. They shut him out of the house and we all went to bed. It took him about two hours to figure out that he had his key in his pocket and he let himself back in.
Niklas said:
that sounds like the kinda stuff that happens on neighbours or other crappy soap's
yeah my life, or at least household, is pretty much a fucked up soap opera, but isn't everyone's at one point
charnee said:
yeah my life, or at least household, is pretty much a fucked up soap opera, but isn't everyone's at one point
yeh im just saying thats typical 21st century family relasionship, everyone goes through it usually,
all will end up ok :Spin:
Hah hah... whenever my mother finds it in her interest to smack me or shove me or punch me, whatever it may be... I just punch myself five tiems for every time she hits me.... the most she has everh it me was three times.... I whopoped my own ass something fierce that day... btu she was apolligizing and felt like shit for weeks after heh heh
I argue with my mom at least once a day and my dad once a week, usually about the stupidest things. I hate it though, we're all the type who have to get the last word in. I try not to be in the same room as my sister, it seems like we're constantly arguing. Of course she's always the one that starts it, but mommy still sticks up for her like she's some kind of retard that can't defend herself. :(
the worst thing i'v ever done was when i was four, i bit my mam on the leg. my dad smacked me and my Grandma told me she was "disappointed" in me. my sister is the one who causes all the hassle in my house
she never stops arguing with my parents or having a sly dig at me. my mam shrugs it off, my dad gets really upset (he has unipolar disorder) and blames himself and i get angry. most recently she was having a screaming match w/ my mam whilst drunk, i was laughing @ her 4 bein so juvenile, she threatened to hit me n i said i'd kill her if she tried.
the sad thing is that in the past, when she first got like this, i'd feel really guilty about that, now, i couldn't care less if i never saw her again
if that makes me a bad person then so be it but thats how i feel


kisses n pixiedust