Metal Family Members?

My brother is actually the one who got me into metal (well the more extreme stuff as I grew up on Metallica and what not). We also got my mom into it as well, and now her favourite bands are My Dying Bride, Opeth, Summoning, Dark Tranquillity, Neurosis, etc.
I am turning my brothers (1 + 2x1/2) into metalheads.
My brother (15yr) didnt get any further then CoB and (goddamnit I swear you, I dont know where he dug this up :mad: ) Nuclear Assault. My other brother, Axe (2yrs) could grunt when he was ...3/4yrs old. My (very little) other brother, Ferdi (3/4 yr) made a rocksalute recently hehehe (yes yes I helped him). Axe looks a bit like Damien, he's soo cooool. (He liked Dimmu Borgir when he was one year old.. He's more into CoB now :p)
harhar...nice little boys,keep helping your little brothers,after ten years,two metal musicans will rule this world :rock::rock:
I got my 5 years younger brother into metal or some sort of it. First he was listening to S.O.A.D, but when I was his age i didn't even know about them. Then came Metallica and stuff like that, CoB, and now he's mostly into power like Rhapsody, Blind Guardian, etc.
My dad loves Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Uriah Heep and similar.
My mom is into pop/dance/disco :/ at least she doesnt listen to folk music :P
Yes, a lot of Chinese/Japanese people I met are into Japanese pop and rap. :Puke:

But I'd say there are more true metalhead ever,I think we are the best audiences in the world.{Chunk will prove this point:)},cause we didn't have many chances to see gigs or metal shows(not to metion metal festeval) compared with you guys.Really pity on me.WE aslo have to buy CDS from another countries,because there aren't certain lables sell them!!!

Oh,they didn't come to English-forum ofen.your post is quite misleading.:erk::OMG::)