Fan Art Pt. II

Greg Cathalina

Creative S.O.B.
So, a new apartment, and fresh new walls. Yumyum.

Here's what I did to one of them:


And with yours truly...


It's my tribute to my alltime favorite band. Over 30 hours of work went into this, spread over 2 months. 4 spraypainted colors, and designed by myself (apart from the obvious Anthrax logo and pentathrax, that is). Down in the tailfeathers is the Anthrax year of birth in roman numerals (MCMLXXXI) and below that the name of the bacteria that causes Anthrax, 'Bacillus Anthracis'.

If someone could forward this to the band themselves, that would be sweet.

Oh, and best wishes for 2007 ;)
Nice job! Beautiful! But won't your landlord be pissed about you painting on the walls or is it OK if you just paint it over when you move?
:OMG: That's so cool, and quite inspiring.. I want one! I really must go and draw something...occasionally I remember I have an art degree :rolleyes: though not on my walls unfortunately, our landlord isn't as nice as yours!