fan or not


Sep 17, 2001
[lower austria]
if there was a band whose music you really dig a lot, but you just cannot stand one or more musicians of the band, would you still call yourself a fan?
what about the other way: you really find the band members are the greatest persons on earth, but you just can't listen to their music cos it's totally not your kind, would you call yourself a fan?

what makes a fan? buying all albums? knowing the band in person? knowing all unnecessary details about the persons? attending every show within a certain radius? or what is it, in your opinions?
Are you implying something Opacity? :p

Well to be a fan I think you really just have to enjoy the music. As for the band themselves, I haven't had any real instances where I like the band but not the music hehe. On the reverse, I probably couldnt like a bands music to an extent if theirs a dimension to their music I totally think is rediculous. That would mainly go for these National Socialistic Black Metal bands that are all about neo-nazi'ism and shit like that...but if a band member was an ass hole than I'd prolly still be a fan because if I like the music, I really cant help it :D
It's all about the music imo.

There are a few people in the buisness I really can't stand but their music are fucking awesome so I enjoy the band anyway.
One thing I never will accept and tolerate is racism and those things, f.ex...I'd never buy an album with Burzum as I know what that idiot stands for, no matter how great the music might be!

About that other way around thing, I don't think I've been in that situation actually hehe, but I think (and hope) that I'd be honest enough to let the band know that I don't like their music. I'd give them an explination why I don't like it, hopefully they'll accept it, but if not...fuck 'em :D You have to be able to take criticism in this stinking buisness. :)
if i like the music, i'll call myself a fan. if not, i won't. that simple. if i don't like a band member(eg lars from metallica), i'm still a fan, unless that member deteriorates from the quality of that bands music.
hahah kirk isnt that great. lars isnt that great. ask anyone who knows about music and they'll tell you taht kirk is nothing special. and lars is mediocre at best.
I used to think Kirk was the best. He's not the best. He's good, but not the best. His style isn't my favorite either, but I do really like some of the solos he's done.
Originally posted by flaminfetus
yes!! like ride the making a solo cd( nothing but solos on there) and that was one of the first that came to mind
*fanfare* a new definition of "solo cd" is born! :)