Fanclub somewhere?

Patric said:
Prefferably German yeah, the Swedish following isn't hardcore enough.

we have some pretty hardcore fans here in canada. all my friends that like metal like Amon Amarth. i might start my own if i find some more people to join. the only thing is im not really sure what a fan club does, were i live it would probably be to bum around and listen to amon.
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Loki said:
As a Amon Amarth Fan you must fight against christians :D

Oh yeah, take out a fucking big battle axe and smash some faces:D
I read once that the norsemen used to hang people on trees and left them to rot...nice, too. When the ravens come and pick out your eyes and other things...funny:devil:

But I prefer the truly painfull and sick stuff...such as torturing.
Mhh....Once while 2 friends and I played AD&D (I was the DM),a player character was tortured...Finally he ended up strangled with his own bowels at the chandelier.
I don't know if bowel can hold such a weight(don't think so), but it looks good:D
And when we play whith magic, why shouldn'd be such things possible:rolleyes::D