Fancy a Mastering challenge?

No I don't mind...=)

I was more wondering if anyone had ever come across any alternatives more than anything else, I've never seen one...I like options...No slam on Ozone...
LiveWire said:
No I don't mind...=)

I was more wondering if anyone had ever come across any alternatives more than anything else, I've never seen one...I like options...No slam on Ozone...

I see, I didn't mean to sound harsh though.

I have used the waves plug called S1 and I quite liked it and there's also the PSP one that comes with Mixplug called MixTreble ...I quite like this one.

no that I think of if I'm not sure if S1 is band dependant.

There's also DUY's Wide (i'm not sure if that's how it's called) but I've never used it.
No harshness taken...

I love the PSPMix series of plugins...Never thought to use them for mastering...Gonna have to give that a try...
Indeed it does Keiffer...

Wow...Whole bunch of stuff going on in that plug...Yet another thing to dig into...

Thanks for the heads up...
Noumenon said:
Give me the settings of the XXX! :D

xxx crunch channel
master vol - full
hair - just past 11 o clock
body - just pass 9 o clock
bottom - 11 o clock
vol - full
gain - 10 o clock

damping switch on back set to mid

wasnt actually planning on using the xxx as the main guitar tone, was gonna use the 5150 since that is what we both play live but borrowed the xxx off peavey to get a slightly different tone to the 5150 (give more options with mixing) and once we started tracking the xxx was sounding tighter so we went with that as the main tone (with the 5150 adding some heaviness and bottom end to the guitar mix).
tubescreamer was typical sneap forum setting (drive - 9 oclock, level - 12 o clock, tone - 10 o clock).

good sounding amp. still prefer the 5150 for live tho (heavier sounding):rock:
i have had a quick blast thru the masters so far and to be honest most seem a little muddy, bass seems to get a bit overpowering.
splatt's is probably my fave so far but seems to have a fizzy noise throughout (notices when guitars play on their own) and the vox seem to have got a little swamped by the guitars. If those things could be fixed i think it'd b pretty damn good sounding.
i'll have a proper listen thru them all with the other guys from the band in a few days so keep em coming.