Fangirl Comics - A Pirate's Life For Me

I respect your vow of chastity (which I actually wasn't aware of until this thread).
On the other hand, I don't respect your hat, your fat piece of lard boyfriend, your overzealous southern pride, those ugly jeans you're always wearing, those stupid fucking boots, your oversized gums, your glasses, your collection of Iced Earth shirts, your fat ass (the bad kind), your drawings, and most of all, your opinion.
I respect your vow of chastity (which I actually wasn't aware of until this thread).
On the other hand, I don't respect your hat, your fat piece of lard boyfriend, your overzealous southern pride, those ugly jeans you're always wearing, those stupid fucking boots, your oversized gums, your glasses, your collection of Iced Earth shirts, your fat ass (the bad kind), your drawings, and most of all, your opinion.

Jokes on you, I only have one Iced Earth shirt.

That said... it takes all kinds and I know not everyone's going to love my work. And like Jenn said, I use Nevermore as my drawing models because 1. I loves them and 2. they're easy to rememeber visually so when I want to practice poses, expressions, etc they're the victims.

Yay, my PoTC 2 finished loading. :)
Jokes on you, I only have one Iced Earth shirt.

That said... it takes all kinds and I know not everyone's going to love my work. And like Jenn said, I use Nevermore as my drawing models because 1. I loves them and 2. they're easy to rememeber visually so when I want to practice poses, expressions, etc they're the victims.

Yay, my PoTC 2 finished loading. :)
Let the hate flow through you.
Yay, my PoTC 2 finished loading. :)

More inspiration?

well, you were telling me how you loved Infinite Crisis right?
Personally, I'm beginning to deify Geoff Johns (he wrote IC).
anyway, he's starting this new epic story about an evil green lantern corps, the sinestro corps. superboy is a member (freed) and so is parallax (if you know him, he merged with kyle this time) even the antimonitor is a member and cyborg superman. has ME pretty excited!

also, check out geoff's stuff on JSA, dude. I am LOVING this man!!! (he also did green lantern: rebirth... shitty batman depiction, but everything else is dece)

just some food for thought.
Well, I love Identity Crisis and Countdown to Infinite Crisis was great. I haven't read IC yet because I can't get a hold of it, really want to though. I'll definitely have to check out this Sinestro Corps, sounds good.
Re: Do you..
Originally Posted by retarded penguin
Originally Posted by metalskater7
Do you have the Infinite Crisis series and/or the Crisis on Infinite Earths series?
I'm more interested in the Infinite Crisis and anyone of it's preludes (OMAC etc.).
not sure if you'll find crisis stuff here, but i finally found the main release website for weekly comics:

been hunting this badboy for AGES
Found it, and I <3 you.

the guy that wrote ID crisis wrote is writing the new justice league right now, he stops in an issue or two. the first two arcs were alright. new issue tomorrw i thionk! woo! but can't remember who wrote the countdown and omg bathroom and whiskey!!!
The site is good, just hard to search through. All the IC files I found so far were dead; haven't had time to look recently.