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Movie reviews of the day
Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS - I’m trying to think of a more tasteless movie than this, but I’m having trouble thinking of one. Ilsa is a sadistic concentration camp commander who is running bizarre medical experiments on the women in her camp in an effort to prove that women can endure pain as well as men and should therefore be allowed on the battlefield. She also uses the men in her camp to satisfy her lust when not experimenting on them. However, there’s a plan afoot for the prisoners to break out of the camp.

This is without a doubt one of the sleaziest movies I’ve ever seen. The producer had the cojones to say that the movie is dedicated to the victims of World War II (I’m sure Anne Frank's up in Heaven smiling about that), but it mostly seems like an excuse to show gallons of blood being spilled, bizarre torture tactics, and topless women whipping other topless women. Ilsa is played by the scenery-chewing Dyanne Thorne, who was apparently hired for the size of her breasts instead of any actual acting ability. Gory scenes of torture are interspersed with gratuitous nudity and campy acting. In other words, it’s like Hogan's Heroes combined with Bob Crane’s home movies. Appropriately enough, the movie was filmed on the set of Hogan’s Heroes. Unfortunately, there is no appearance by Werner Klemperer.
This movie was actually a fairly big hit in the movie theaters of Times Square in the 70s. It spawned several sequels, as well as a whole subgenre of Nazi sexploitation flicks. Dyanne Thorne gets fan mail to this day because of Ilsa. Quite honestly, this is one of the most bizarre movies I’ve ever seen. It is by no means a good movie, but it’s worth watching just for the sheer lunacy of it all.
there is an entire genre of "nazi exploitation" rape/sadism film spawned in the wake of Ilsa.

if you thought that was unsettling, stay far away. i'm not even going to mention any of the things i've seen in my younger days, because i refuse to promote them. i am a self-censor.
speaking of bad film, i remember hearing a while back that some NovDoom music from the last album was to be used on a Troma film called Zombiegeddon. need to look for an update on that, cuz i'm buyin' that sucka.