Fans of "The Odyssey" must check out Rage's new album

Thanks for the recommendation. Very good album indeed.

Only problem is my download has someone saying "You are listening to rage's new album, speak of the dead" on every track. Doesn't distract from the music too much though. (usually appears at the beginning of each track)
DrumRman said:
All 10 people said that? :wave:

Hey, its not Rage's fault Evergrey decided to have a signing during their set. Not to mention for a band that isn't really known at all in the US they got a crappy slot (even though based on their history alone, they deserved it). Of course people who are tired aren't going to stick for a band they're not familiar with.

I think before pointing to a poor outcome at Progpower, you should point to the thousands of fans who they play for at Wacken :p
Tomodo said:
Thanks for the recommendation. Very good album indeed.

Only problem is my download has someone saying "You are listening to rage's new album, speak of the dead" on every track. Doesn't distract from the music too much though. (usually appears at the beginning of each track)
Its a promo for the album, a lot of promos have that, so when their played in record stores, which is what their for essentially - people will hear that, and be like Oh, I should check this band out. Since people walk in and out of the store all the time, they put it on every track so people who are only in for 2-3 minutes can hear who it is. Its all about getting the name out there.

Its a great album, and they dont place them at crucial points in the song, which is fine by me!
Tomodo said:
Only problem is my download has someone saying "You are listening to rage's new album, speak of the dead" on every track. Doesn't distract from the music too much though. (usually appears at the beginning of each track)
What? You mean you couldn't get the non-voice over version for free? You mean the version you got for free isn't 100% as good as the one people pay money for? I am outraged. DAMN THOSE RECORD COMPANIES FOR MAKING AN INCENTIVE TO ACTUALLY BUY AN ALBUM NOW AND THEN!!!!

Ok - wasn't expecting people to critisise my post

I was just pointing out that is what i have on the download. Its not something i've heard before on my downloads which is why i made the comment.

No need for comments like yours DoomsdayZach - i did not say it was a huge deal that the speech was there, as i said i was just making an observation. Usually i get albums that are not modified. And actually downloading and listening to that album might give me the incentive to buy that album on release and look into Rage's other material.

Some encouragement for the new posters to post would be nice - i dont want to fear that everything i post is going to get stupidly critisised
Tomodo said:
Ok - wasn't expecting people to critisise my post

I was just pointing out that is what i have on the download. Its not something i've heard before on my downloads which is why i made the comment.

No need for comments like yours DoomsdayZach - i did not say it was a huge deal that the speech was there, as i said i was just making an observation. Usually i get albums that are not modified. And actually downloading and listening to that album might give me the incentive to buy that album on release and look into Rage's other material.

Some encouragement for the new posters to post would be nice - i dont want to fear that everything i post is going to get stupidly critisised

Chill dude, it was just a joke. It's not like i was saying to myself "hmm... low post count... must rip on the new guy".

Trust me, i've had the "download/not to download" conversation more than my fair share of times. I'm not passing judgement because you chose to download the new rage album. I fully support (and oddly enough, many of the press agents at the record labels i work with fully support) the preview download. I KNOW it's the only way most people will buy stuff.

Also, i don't know if this applys to downloading other bands material, but *just a pre-emptive warning*, the band gets pissed if you discuss downloading their material.

Anyway, welcome and such. I'm still not apologizing :grin: :loco:
urinalcakemix said:
Its a promo for the album, a lot of promos have that, so when their played in record stores, which is what their for essentially - people will hear that, and be like Oh, I should check this band out. Since people walk in and out of the store all the time, they put it on every track so people who are only in for 2-3 minutes can hear who it is. Its all about getting the name out there.

Its a great album, and they dont place them at crucial points in the song, which is fine by me!

Record labels only do this for bigger releases as well. The new Katatonia has it, and again they put it at the right spots so it doesn't interfere. I haven't heard rage yet, but does it have the dude who sounds like Pablo Francisco doing his little tortilla boy thing? The guy who does the Katatonia voice-over sounds awesome.

I prefer this over other methods of copy protection as well. I never like getting promos that are cut into 99 tracks, or like Cannibal Corpse's last disc Wretched Spawn (thank god i was able to use this as an excuse to not review it) had second long ear piercing beeps literally every 15 seconds or so. That fucking pissed me off.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
It will if you're on the Opeth forum. ;)

But usually not here.

yeah, the opeth people will burn you if you're not carefull........dont sy anything stupid, that is.

anyway, the oddysey isnt my favorite album, but since it is good I'll go out and buy rage.
Montu Sekhmet said:
yeah, the opeth people will burn you if you're not carefull........dont sy anything stupid, that is.

anyway, the oddysey isnt my favorite album, but since it is good I'll go out and buy rage.

Rage's catalog is so large and they've gone through so many style changes that its hard to know where to start. I usually don't reccomend starting with a live album, but their From the Cradle to the Stage disc is probably your best bet, as there is at least one song from almost all of their 17 albums on that disc.

Their style has touched upon everything from thrash metal to powermetal to symphonic and now they're kind of a progressive thrash metal band I guess is the best way to say. They were also the first metal band to tour with an orchestra...a few years beore Metallica ever did this (and no Im not considering Deep Purple a metal band in this respect, I know they did this back in the 70s).
well, depp purple would be considered metal back then maybe....but now its rock.

I didint see cradle to the stage at Slackers today, the guy kinda looked at me funny.....
(probably because all he listens too is COB or hawthorne heights(witch I loath))
Yngvai X said:
Rage's catalog is so large and they've gone through so many style changes that its hard to know where to start. I usually don't reccomend starting with a live album, but their From the Cradle to the Stage disc is probably your best bet, as there is at least one song from almost all of their 17 albums on that disc.

Their style has touched upon everything from thrash metal to powermetal to symphonic and now they're kind of a progressive thrash metal band I guess is the best way to say. They were also the first metal band to tour with an orchestra...a few years beore Metallica ever did this (and no Im not considering Deep Purple a metal band in this respect, I know they did this back in the 70s).

Rage is one of my favourite bands too and I like thier late stuff the best. But I dont agree that Cradle to the stage is a good one to start at all altough its great I always though its a very bad idea to start with a live album . No matter how good they are it just doesnt do it.