Yay, I Finally Got The Odyssey


May 2, 2001
I'm probably the last person on this board to get it, but the wait was worth it. I had heard most of the songs ahead of time; the only songs I hadn't heard were The Turning and The Odyssey. I was wondering where all the crazy riffing went... it's in The Turning, which is probably my favourite song from the album at the moment. The riff during the first verse is awesome! I currently don't know what to think of The Odyssey (the song) because I've only heard it once, and that's a lot of music to take in in one listen. :)
I think The Accolade II is pretty good (especially the verses... "He SEEEEES his destinyyyy!"), but the chorus borders on the "leather pants, hair blowing in the wind, sword up to the sky" cheese that makes me dislike so many power metal bands. Luckily, it falls on the side of non-cheese and I don't dislike it. :)

The more I listen to this album, the more I appreciate Russell Allen... he came up with so many excellent vocal lines for this album; probably some of the most catchy I've ever heard.
Finally you get a hold on the Cd eh? hehe cool listen to The Odyssey (track) more you'll like it :D it's probably the song that i've played the most from the Cd, beleive it or not :) :D
Yeah, that part is pretty good, but some vocal parts that stand out even more for me are at about 1:53 of King of Terrors... "Iron shadows cast," and about 4:43 of Awakenings. That whole part is good, but the best is when he says "On my own." The way his voice mixes with the descending guitar riff is freaking awesome to my ears.
all the songs are incredible. The only one that is slightly behind the others is King of Terrors, and in a way the turning. But I will probably like them again equally soon, its just they are very similar to the general theme of the album. The Title track is just awesome, particularly the eye, champion of ithica, and circe.

My favourite part of the whole album at the moment is probably the chorus in awakenings.