Fantasy soccer anyone?

If anyone wants to sign-up, it's not too late, but you just won't get points for the first week of games.

Also, for those already signed up, there's another league that you can enter your team in that's kind of cool...the person that runs the league divides the teams up into separate divisions and runs a schedule with the results posted on her own site. To join, just do the private group thing again, but enter "3734" for the group number, and "world" for the password. Space is limited, so do this soon if you're interested.
Ok thanks. :)

I saw the Man U game, i must say i was VERY impressed by the new 18yr old kid Cristiano Ronaldo.

Skill, speed and some damn good fighting spirit.

Edit: Damn! I just realised that i've got Sol Campbell in my team, and he got sent off after only 25min. That's -6 points for me. :erk:
Hehe, I had a look at both of your teams, and decided that I'd rather have either of your teams over mine. Ooops. :p