Farmakon London show

Sweeeet! :) Really cool pictures, nice that there are normal ones and then bit "art-like" ones aswell.

You people have funny looks.... :p And the colors of Marko's shirts make me go blind.
Best band pic ever!

...bunch of tossers eating chicken poppys
i sure do like that first I didn't think i managed to fit all of you into the frame as you were walking and not paying attention to me paparazing about...but alas, I did good.
and not to forget-you are wearing a shirt I must have..

(that was my last ever comment on that shirt-I think I'm wearing it out a bit now)
I already asked lee-he said that the only ones there are, are the ones that "the band" have made, and he doesn't have any.

Lee was the first person I asked-and he told me to bully you into giving me one. :p

but nevermind....I'll just write "farmakon" in tip-ex on one of my shirts....:)
Windom Pearl said:
Takeaway-chicken is the best thing ever. Why doesn't Finland have those places?
True that! We don't have those because the government has decided that we don't know how to use our money. So if there would be those kind of places we would just spend extra. Just like nothing here is open 24/7. (I'm not even sure if those kickass chicken places were, but still)