{edit: because of my desire not to have to see the pictures in question I overlooked the e-mailing entries part. So I guess I will do that now and hope that no one has won yet. I'm sorry to everyone for looking like a blithering nincompoop.

I do not mean to exhume this sorry chapter in human history, but methinks I can win, simply because I have lots of time on my hands. Without looking at the pictures, even! At any rate I have gendered a table of all 24 possible permutations and you will find the answer somewhere therein. Here is that table:
1 Matti Matti Matti Matti Matti Matti
2 Toni Toni Marko Marko Lasse Lasse
3 Marko Lasse Toni Lasse Marko Toni
4 Lasse Marko Lasse Toni Toni Marko
1 Toni Toni Toni Toni Toni Toni
2 Matti Matti Marko Marko Lasse Lasse
3 Marko Lasse Matti Lasse Marko Matti
4 Lasse Marko Lasse Matti Matti Marko
1 Marko Marko Marko Marko Marko Marko
2 Toni Toni Matti Matti Lasse Lasse
3 Matti Lasse Toni Lasse Matti Toni
4 Lasse Matti Lasse Toni Toni Matti
1 Lasse Lasse Lasse Lasse Lasse Lasse
2 Marko Marko Matti Matti Toni Toni
3 Matti Toni Marko Toni Marko Matti
4 Toni Matti Toni Marko Matti Marko
Take care,