
Info page mentions "Riku Airisto".. why does the name make my mind beep about "Star Wreck"? :)

Downloading now, will post comments later today.
Holy crap! Are you signed already? :heh:

Ok, basing these opinions on first listen:
Your songs work really well.. very coherent stuff! You produce great vocals and they fit in the songs nicely. Well, I can't think of anything BAD to say! :D

Too bad you have to go there.. uhm, .. England? :p
Originally posted by Orchid
Your songs work really well.. very coherent stuff! You produce great vocals and they fit in the songs nicely. Well, I can't think of anything BAD to say! :D

Gee, thanks man!

Too bad you have to go there.. uhm, .. England? :p

Yeeah...tell me about it. Every kind word I get from people about the demo makes me more and more want to stay home. It's not like it's the end, actually it could be kinda cool to spend time in England, write songs in peace and then when I come back rehearse them and...well...make a record or something. But that plan needs someone to sign us :)
Originally posted by Lee_B
What are you gonna be up to in England? Work or study or something?

Work...It's all my lady's idea. At the moment we've booked flight 27.8, and we have a possible job in London. But it's yet to be confirmed. We have nothing else to do this year, so it's OK to me to spend the year somewhere else than home, at least it was before the demo got ready. But it's her dream, so...
Hey, listening to it now..

This is some seriously cool stuff. Downloading the third song now.

The clean singing voice took me a song to get used to, but I like its uniqueness. It has a fullness that you don't hear a lot these days. It reminded me at first of (don't take this the wrong way) Danzig, a little. Just the depth, etc. Now it reminds me a LOT of something I can't place for the life of me. But it's good. Love the end of Stretching into Me.

The metal voice I love.

And the end of Flavoured Numerology! I thought my computer was broken! Fantastic!

You guys kick ass. I'm keeping you on my playlist.
I suppose I should take the plunge and download all the other bands now (since I haven't yet).

damn... along with Thales, Farmakon is probably the most talented "new" band I've ever heard.

love the growl all around.

the little cha-cha/santana-solo at 5.30 in Stretching Into Me is kickass.

This is some AWESOME stuff!
I was a little, not too heavily equiped cellar at Valkeakoski. (Whiterabids... :lol: ) I'm not even sure about the name. The dude there was good, he did it for his job, but I'm not sure if he was a pro or anything. The town kinda funded his job so that he didn't pay no rent for the place, but he had to do local bands much cheaper. But I think we weren't local band. Nevershine anyway knew the guy since he is also in a local band, so he gave us the whole shit with 3000 mk. I think that's kinda cheap. It came to be less than 100,- /h.

(And editing)...Mics huh? Difficult ones... :) The drums took nine if I remember correctly. Riku's set is...err...huge. Guitars took only one. And bass was recorded through pod.
About the mic's (I'm not sure how to spell that:confused: )
but who cares.

We used about nine mic's on the drums
I don't remember exactly...
One mic to the guitar amp.
We plugged the acoustic directly to the
mixing table or was there something between, dunno.
Bass was played through a bass pod to the table.
That's about it.
Interesting songs. Nothing too innovative, but still wonderful music! Keep up the good work!

I especially like Stretching into Me and the guitar-solo + the following drum-fill in Flavoured Numerology are great - and the ending is interesting...

Interesting is also the fact that now the TWO BEST BANDS of this forum are both Finnish! Go Finland, go!!!

-Villain (perkele, jos ei hiihdossa pärjätä, niin musiikissa ainakin!)
I downloaded all three tracks a couple of days ago and I have been listening to them quite a bit.

Love the vocals! Rich.

The drumming is awesome.

Great song structures too, I love the end of 'Flavoured Numerology'.........very cool.

Also, interesting song titles; that is in fact what caught my attention...

best of luck Farmakon, I really like your work.