

Oct 29, 2003
Bondi Australia
I'm sure some people know of this band around here, but for those who don't, think Opeth meets Mr Bungle: fucked up Death Metal aggression with progressive, jazz and funk elements thrown in, unorthodox riffing and tonnes of timechanges.

When Farmakon's first album appeared, some people cried "Opeth clones", but with their second release "Robin", they have moved more into their own direction, and brilliantly so.

Nevertheless, this young band has got off to an amazing start with both their albums being exceptionally creative and highly original pieces of work, filled with distorting movements of unpredictability driving their no limitations approach.

Every musician in the band is a master of their instrument, and the vocals are defintely up there with Akerfeldt's (with stronger clean vocals). Highly professsional with none of the traits you'd expect from a young outfit.

An amazing, energetic, yet extremely under-appreciated band.
Yeh, their debut was pretty sweet. I can't find that new album anywhere. Has it been released yet?