Fascism invading US music scene. Please help!

The thing is, if the raid never happened and shit got out of control and people were hurt or killed then then people would be bitching about the fact that nobody did anything to stop it.
I'm not saying that the raid was or wasn't justified, but without all the facts I have no way of knowing and neither does anybody else on here. To say fascism is invading the US music scene because of this is jumping the gun to say the least.
KY_Fried442 said:
I'm not saying that the raid was or wasn't justified, but without all the facts I have no way of knowing and neither does anybody else on here.To say fascism is invading the US music scene because of this is jumping the gun to say the least.

He lost me with his subject title.
Had he presented a logical and thoughtful commentary on this, I may have taken this more seriously.
"Fascism invading US...." is just paranoid delusion.
I'm not worried about this in the least.

Without ALL of the facts, I won't make a swift and thoughtless judgement.
There is more to this story than meets the eye.
No person shall permit, maintain, promote, conduct,
advertise, act as entrepreneur, undertake, organize,
manage, or sell or give tickets to an actual or
reasonably anticipated assembly of two hundred fifty
(250) or more people which continues or can
reasonably be expected to continue for twelve (12) or
more consecutive hours, whether on public or private
property unless a license to hold the assembly has
first been issued by the County Commissioners. (Ord.
No. 1971-4, Section 2, 7-7-71)
This is Utah law on this subject which is posted on http://www.music-versus-guns.org/versuspress.html

Now I lost the link to the news site I found on this subject but I copied this before I closed the window.

Edit: Couldnt find the link for where I got the one quoted below , but I found a local newpaper article from Utah

Witnesses say undue force used at rave

From what the officials are saying the party was a front to sell drugs and the security was there to make sure that no one else could bring drugs in so they would have to buy at the rave...

25-30 people were arrested during the raid, on charges ranging from driving with a suspended license, to disorderly conduct, to DUI, to possession of meth, mushrooms, and ecstacy, to ressisting arrest, to assault on a police officer. Included among the arrests were the owners of the private land the event was being held on. Most of the drugs found were those confiscated from concertgoers by the hired security guards, who were also arrested.

Utah Police issued a statement listing reasons for the raid, including that the party, while having a health dept permit, did not have a county mass gathering permit required to operate.
I think this mystery has been solved, time to go get a snack and do some bong hits....
Vrykolakas said:
Sorry Anthrax but your fans are certified retards.

Just to let you know, straight-edger security guards were performing professional security searches at the entrance to this party. The confiscated items were then planeted on these straight-edge security guards and they were arrested by the paramilitary police. Please inform yourselves before you make complete asses of yourselves.

I am a metalhead and I am not into electronic rave music. These people had their basic rights as human beings violated. I support their plight.

You will be next. I assure you.

OMFG a conspiracy!!!!!! Oh noes!!!!!

Hey dude , If you think the police are going to bust up a legit party for no reason.... well let just say , you need to watch who you call stupid and stop being so damn gullable. oh yeah, and please inform YOURSELF before posting some bullshit on a message board, cause you just made yourself look like a complete ass......
exactly. As much as I dont like the PO-PO, cops dont usually get all decked out in full riot gear for no reason. SOmebody did something to get them there.

After goint to the site, seeing the vids, rading staements from both sides, Im favoring with the cops. Lots of bad shit was going down.

mrthrax said:
there was probably a very good reason they were there.
Yeah, nice try, Fidel. Pat will get back to you soon. I admire brave fuckers like you insulting people while seating at your desk. Why don't you come to Brooklyn and speak to me, and I'll show my Certificate The Retardness. You'll be the one who's next 100 mo'fuckin' percent. Then you might be able to go all the fuckin' way upstate to Woodstock...