Fasict Parents Raid My Opeth CDs...

_Transparent_ said:
if my kids called me names like that, or called me a Fascisit id take away more than their cds.
Spelling error: FACIST is the proper spelling and I would ground my kid if he/or she couldn't spell facist..Don't worry you'll get your CD's back..Explain to your parents what Opeth is about, and they are not satanic, nazi or anything other than a good band...Good luck..-l-
deathbearer said:
Spelling error: FACIST is the proper spelling and I would ground my kid if he/or she couldn't spell facist..Don't worry you'll get your CD's back..Explain to your parents what Opeth is about, and they are not satanic, nazi or anything other than a good band...Good luck..-l-
no. it's spelled FASCIST. you're grounded.

thank you for your time.
go buy a Cannibal Corpse cd and blast that or have them READ THE LYRICS!!!! just curious how old are ye? i could see it you were like 10 or 11 but of you like 17 or 18 then thats pretty crazy....theres waaaay more bands that are worse than Opeth (not saying that there bad or anything) if i were you id make copies of some of your cds and hide them so they cant do anything...or buy a small harddrive and put your shit on there and password protect it.....thats just total bullshit
O'blivion said:
no. it's spelled FASCIST. you're grounded.

thank you for your time.
Oopps, ok, it's FASCIST..Where's the fucking spellcheck on this anyway?
What's the kid gonna do, commit suicide because his parents took away his fave Opeth's Cd's.. LMAO..
SUICIDE HOTLINE: Hello, Suicide hotline?
GOUF CUSTOM: I wanna commit suicide because my parents grounded me and took away my Opeth's CD's..
SUICIDE HOTLINE: ...click...
Ok ok, they took away all your electronic fancy stuff and music, and you're whining while hundreds of millions of people can't find drinkable water and get food easily ?
Way to go !
Seems like you've earned it to me !
Unless the reasons are still pure magic or occult.

this is hilarious.

how old are you?

this is the kind of thing i'd expect to find on like a mudvayne board or something.

take your cds back, get them a therapy, and or move out.

parents just don't understand :grin:
It mainly has to do with my Wicca studies, as well as my "anger", as they would like to put it. I'm 14, btw.

IanDork, you've unleashed the focking fury! /forum/images/smilies/lol.gif/forum/images/smilies/tongue.gif

I just noticed the "fasict". :lol:
man, that sucks they took away your guitar man. i can hardly go a day without my axe. that would make me fuckin snap... but man, jsut play Benighted or Dirge for novermber for your parents and let them check out the lyrics, that should 'enlighten' your parents as to what Opeth is about. some people are jsut ignorant as to how great metal is, and it saddens me.
o well, anyway man, just burn copies of that shit when you get that shit back, or get em from a friend. anyway man, i wish i knew about opeth when i was fourteen. i wouldve had that much more of a head start figuring all the guitar shit out.
go pick mushrooms ,fly away , expand your horizon , move out.

your parents seems to be quite narrow minded. christian conservatives ??
waht occult stuff did you do ??