Fasict Parents Raid My Opeth CDs...

deathbearer said:
Spelling error: FACIST is the proper spelling and I would ground my kid if he/or she couldn't spell facist..Don't worry you'll get your CD's back..Explain to your parents what Opeth is about, and they are not satanic, nazi or anything other than a good band...Good luck..-l-

you can at least look the spelling up before correcting something thats right, otherwise you'll look stupid...:)
All that keeps coming to my head is LAME, LAME, LAME.

Firstly, you're fucking lame for getting pissed off at your parents. They probably took away your CDs because you're acting angry... so how do you expect getting pissed off at them to help? Calm the fuck down, grow up, and approach it like the adult you almost are. Prove to them that you're not a teenage goth wannabe, and sit them down and explain it (like an adult). And don't think you're above them, it'll only make it worse... make sure your tone expresses your feelings. If you sound like you're just doing it because you want your CDs and you don't mean any of it (which is true, by the way :P), they surely won't change a thing.

Second, your parents are lame for taking away their kid's music. Are they kind of old fashioned, Pleasantville-ish parents? Man, I'd fucken hate it if my parents were like that, not that it would really matter.

Third, the people who keep telling you to bitch slap your parents are the lamest of all! Give the man some advice he can actually use, not shit that will probably get him in more shit.
its out of order to do that. parents shouldnt be like that.. are they orthodox christians or something, which is why they against all this satanist stuff? if so they should be trying to force their beleifs on you, and taking away your cds is way out of order. if my parents did that, id stand up to them, and order them to give them back. id probably end up even worse off lol but you have to try and make them realise how wrong they are.
Talk to them. When I was young my rents had issues with stuff, but as I got a bit older they got over it. Dont ever let them change something as sacred to you as music. You prolly do need to learn how to talk to them about this kind of thing though, and if you are having anger issues you need to really chill before you do. Realize that they are probobly just really worried about you and are trying to find a solution.
yeah, i agree man... talking it out with them usually works and shows them that you are levelheaded as well. if you bitch about it at home or sulk, that's probably gonna convince them even further that the music's had a bad influence on you... you should sit them down and let them know exactly what it's all about.
back some years ago, i had my misfits cd taken away cos my brother told them danzig was satanic. (okay so maybe that part's a little true, but still, the misfits!!) /forum/images/smilies/biggrin.gif
oh and when you're talking to them, don't yell or scream or get visibly angry (i know it's hard!!) cos obviously they won't listen to you that way... (hehe yes, you need to tame the 'fockin fury') ;) good luck!
Cynical Bastard said:
Luckily my parents never underestimated my intelligence and judgement so much as to think I could actually be influenced by the lyrical message of a song. My mom actually likes most of what I listen to, besides the growling.

My mum likes Opeth and Death (minus the growls).