Fast heavy DM

It's a Sonor S Class maple with Zildjian A Customs. Kick and snare blended with Slates.
This sounds great. I like the music and the whole mix. Well done. :Spin:

+1 on the drums sounding Suffocation like.
I think the mix gets a bit crowded, during the fast parts especially. Also to me it sounds like the snare gets a bit lost in the mix from time to time. Maybe less/automated verb on the snare? I don't think the drums sound like suffo that much though, or, not more than you'd expect from this style. As a whole I think the drums sound kind of flat, but I guess you're not going for a super modern slate style production either (which is a good thing in my book). Not sure if a slappy kick like that works in a fast DM context though, personally I'd sample replace it with something more triggered sounding. But, each to their own.