FAT MATT resigns, gets big reward for bad job


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
So! They’ve decided to finally shit can that total retard, FAT MATT, but I don’t understand the typical “thanks for doing an unbelievably horrible job, here’s a reward” that govt officials get:

"BOSTON Massachusetts Turnpike Authority Chairman FAT Matthew Amorello, under fire since part of a Big Dig tunnel collapsed and killed a passing motorist, agreed Thursday to resign after weeks of pressure on him to step aside.

“[The] decision comes after pressure from fellow Republican Gov. Mitt Romney for Amorello to step down. Amorello's resignation will be effective Aug. 15, but he will continue to receive his $223,000 annual salary through Feb. 15.”

What the fuck?

Doesn’t FAT MATT deserve electrocution instead of a full paycheck with, I’m sure, a 75% pension? Damn it, there's always something to take away the sweetness of someone getting what they deserve...

I’ve got an idea: how bout he surrenders everything he’s been overpaid during his tenure to help pay for the tunnel that collapsed during his watch?

No, I guess only “Stalins like Katherine Harris”* would dream of punishment for bad work, laziness, incompetance, mob graft, criminal and intentional negligence, and oversized jowls.

The fact he's recently lost 442 lbs. recently means nothing. He shall always be known as FAT MATT because his wallet is overstuffed with tax dollars.


*quoting from the highly intelligent Dr. Dean of the DNC.
By the way, it was because of an insult against FAT MATT that Boston radio talk show host DePetro got suspended. Seems he called Amorello a "gay bitch."

BOSTON--Radio station WRKO suspended talk-show host John DePetro for two days for using the epithet on air during a discussion of Amorello's conduct following the ceiling collapse of the I-90 connector. Neither DePetro nor Amorello returned calls late yesterday, but WRKO program director Jason Wolfe said Entercom, which owns the station, has "zero tolerance for racial intolerance. . . . Mr. DePetro has 72 hours to think about this." Wolfe said he purposely chose the word "racial" because "people will lump everything in together."

Hah! They lump it all together, eh?? So, DePetro was suspended NOT because he grievously denigrated a high public figure's name but because he used the "G" word to insult someone. And the "G" word is a badge of pride and honour--unless its used as an insult, in which case, it becomes a fuckin hate crime.

Its gettin like 1984 around here, I swear!

Amorello and the rest of the people who fucked this up for the state of Mass and its citizens deserve their heads on pikes at state house in Quincy.
being called a gay bitch isn't exactly a hateful thing in the community...


As for that project...man no one is really gonna get hammered over the shitty quality of the work that was performed that is what really fucks me off the most.

There is documentation for everything but do you really think they are gonna go after who fucked all this up ?

I highly doubt becuase palms were greased with so much grease.
IAN442 said:
There is documentation for everything but do you really think they are gonna go after who fucked all this up ? I highly doubt becuase palms were greased with so much grease.

Public Servants--ha ha, overpaid fat-asses who publicly serve themselves a load of cash--NEVER EVER go after the financial security of another "public servant" who does a sucky job.

Because they watch out for one another and don't want their own failures to be judged and then lose their money.

You guys hear about the PENIS-PUMP JUDGE who was convicted of exposing himself a dozen times because he was operating a penis pump while hearing court cases? Well, someone suggested he might even lose his $70,000 a year pension after going to jail for three years. Wooooo!

He "might." But I doubt he will. Oh, he'll get out in one year on good behaviour, and then he'll be sitting on his veranda, pumpin' away, doin' nothing except inflating his wiener for $200 a day in our tax money.

"Pieces of Shit! Pieces of shit!" said the parrot on crack.

oh yea

should be fat bastard matt.... just sounds better

two words that click well

fat and bastard.