Fat People

Oded said:
Mind you, I've got nothing against fat people, but...
ca. 66% of Americans are overweight.
Isn't that great?
Don't blame me. I weigh 160. Erhhmm.. can't work that out in kg. or stone.
Have you come across many fat American tourists in Europe?
Aren't they just the greatest, most amusing things? :hotjump:

Mind you, whenever I've been to England, the greatest difference I notice is the much smaller portions in restaurants than in America... and I starve for the first few weeks.


or do we all have to be like this?
fat people are usually pretty kind people. me cousin is kind of a fatso and he's like the kindest lad on the planet. i envy that a bit. anyways, maybe i'm generalizing but that's what i think from the people i've met...
yeah this one is spreading in greece too.gluttony.
in fact our ancestors have predicted that,saying metron ariston, ie:well it means having balance in life and know when to stop sort of(hell,i gave a gluttony explanation,gotta be that american terms i used) :)