fate of norns, should i buy it?


Oct 7, 2004
i heard from my brother that fate of norns was not as good as vs the world.. and seeing as i live on an island where i cant find either i cant be the judge of that. i've looked for vs the world in about 10 music store's in miami. none had it in stock. i looked for it in about 5 music stores in holland (where i'm from) none had it in stock. so i wanted to go and order it and i saw on the site that day fate of norns came out... i odered them both from metalblade records but they dont accept international creditcards.. so i'm back to first base... but now i can only order one of the 2.... which would you recomend? i have the avenger and the crusher which i both love.. should i just get vs the world first and fate of norns later?
it depends what you like about AA... Versus the world kicks ass but its really a different atmosphere, its much more mid paced then the other albums, whereas Fate of Norns comes back to the violent songs.. Versus the World is also really much more melodic and "beautiful" rifforamas all the time, whereas Fate of Norns beats hard ass... :p i personnally can't tell which of the two i prefer, because they are too different i find
fabalmighty said:
i heard from my brother that fate of norns was not as good as vs the world.. and seeing as i live on an island where i cant find either i cant be the judge of that. i've looked for vs the world in about 10 music store's in miami. none had it in stock. i looked for it in about 5 music stores in holland (where i'm from) none had it in stock. so i wanted to go and order it and i saw on the site that day fate of norns came out... i odered them both from metalblade records but they dont accept international creditcards.. so i'm back to first base... but now i can only order one of the 2.... which would you recomend? i have the avenger and the crusher which i both love.. should i just get vs the world first and fate of norns later?
dood, what kind of credit card you have? I have ordered cd's from metalblade Germany or even napalm records in Austria and I am in the US and never had a problem. You live on an island? is it Cuba? that is not too far from Miami, they should have the cd in any record store. As a matter of fact I have a friend whose name well we' ll call him polish redneck and he found it in Tampa. o_O
fabalmighty said:
i heard from my brother that fate of norns was not as good as vs the world.. and seeing as i live on an island where i cant find either i cant be the judge of that. i've looked for vs the world in about 10 music store's in miami. none had it in stock. i looked for it in about 5 music stores in holland (where i'm from) none had it in stock. so i wanted to go and order it and i saw on the site that day fate of norns came out... i odered them both from metalblade records but they dont accept international creditcards.. so i'm back to first base... but now i can only order one of the 2.... which would you recomend? i have the avenger and the crusher which i both love.. should i just get vs the world first and fate of norns later?

dude, if you're still in Miami I'll sell you mine if you're having so much difficutly finding it

that album seems to be readily available at many record stores, even Best Buy stocks it
I just bought Fate of Norns, and I enjoyed it until I heard the song Arson, when I heard that song I almost pissed my pants, for me this album was a worthy buy, (strange that i found it in a tech-store in California) but Arson is played repeadedly in my CD player.
no look i looked in all the fye stores. hot topics and all that kinda stuff and some didn't even sell any amon amarth cd's... and well my creditcard is dutch... but i ordered from american metalblade and it said that there had been international cradit card froud recently.. (and yes i do live on an island.. curacao to be ecaxt.. but they hardly seel any good cd's here.. only rap) so maybe i'll have to wait.... but i now have vs the world.... my bro bought it at their concert in holland on monday and he sent it over.. and it really does kick ass!!
my bro said that they played so well at the concert that it sounded like a cd.. live performances also have to be good for a band to be good... and well by the sounds of it they were amazing... too bad it wasn't sold out... he got a ticket for 14 euro.. thats like 9-10 dollars on saturday.. and it was on monday...
You don't have VS The World :OMG: Ok,you can order them from www.play.com, they sell them for a nice prize. And YES. Do not wait. Order them TODAY. VS The World, is the absolute best Amon Amarth album. Fate Of Norns ain't that good, but hey! It's Amon Amarth:worship:

Stay Metal :headbang:
actualy im begining to like the new album. at first i thought it was horrible. but opinion changed just a little. but theres only like 4 songs on it that i think are worth while. valkyries ride is my new #1 aa song. it pwns ';..;'
DemonsAndLies666 said:
actualy im begining to like the new album. at first i thought it was horrible. but opinion changed just a little. but theres only like 4 songs on it that i think are worth while. valkyries ride is my new #1 aa song. it pwns ';..;'
Good choice man, it's like my fav too ... young padawn is learning fast. It beats SFU's "back in black" by a long shot :D
I've just bought FON. I think that it is a really good album and that it is a little bit different from the other AA albums - rhythmics are quite slower than in VTW, or in the Avenger or Once Sent from the Golden Hall. But it is however a really great album. It's an Amon Amarth album!