Fate of norns

I'm listening to the three song promo right now...I like the mix much better than before.

I'm at theendrecords, and they do not have the edition with the DVD. I don't want to get screwed out of this because I'm in the US. It's not for sale at Metal Blade either.
Hate Fever said:
The ReleaseParty in Bochum kicked ass.Everyone gets a free CD's, signed posters and cards... aa played about 90min.Many new songs but also cult songs like 'victorious march' or 'death in fire'..
How is Death in Fire a cult song?
just got my hands on the limited edition of fate of norns. first of all, the sound is great! fuck to all who thought the promo sucked. this album kicks ass!
the dvd is only a gimmick, nothing more. 5 or 6 tracks, with victorious march as the last track. still, its nice to see how amon can control both a small and a large audience ;)
get this album, it's definately worth it!
Hate Fever said:
The ReleaseParty in Bochum kicked ass.

Same for Ludwigsburg...AA were fucking awesome.

The Played: (without order)

VS The World
Thousand Years Of Oppression
Masters of War
Last With Pagan Blood
Sound of Eight Hooves
Bleed For Ancient Gods
North Sea Storm (i was kinda surprised that they played it)
Ancient Sign Of Coming Storm
Fate Of Norns
Once Sealed In Blood
Pursuit Of Vikings
Where Silent Gods Stand Guard
Victorious March
Death In Fire

i think thats all
I am not happy. I have to wait until Wednesday even though it was pre-ordered for today because the company that stocks it is small and don't send the cd's out on time. If it was some crap like busted and the ilk they would be shit hot on the shelf for the little teenyboppers.
$HaMbLeZz said:
Same for Ludwigsburg...AA were fucking awesome.

The Played: (without order)

VS The World
Thousand Years Of Oppression
Masters of War
Last With Pagan Blood
Sound of Eight Hooves
Bleed For Ancient Gods
North Sea Storm (i was kinda surprised that they played it)
Ancient Sign Of Coming Storm
Fate Of Norns
Once Sealed In Blood
Pursuit Of Vikings
Where Silent Gods Stand Guard
Victorious March
Death In Fire

i think thats all

oooohhhh Sound of the eight hooves.... plz play this song too on the Tour and you'll make me very happy.
17 aint cheap. it is a fuckin ripp off by the stores and/or the wholesalers...now they include special things like a dvd or just as a digi to make the people buy the record and not to burn or d/l it and then they increase the prices for it. fuckin idiots. and btw. the more people a record buy within the first week, the higher it gets in the charts, the moew airplay/tv rotation etc...the bands earn more money and can give away more beer to the fans, so hurry up and buy it THIS week!)
i usualy dont pay more than 13eu for a cd, this time i payed more =) 16,99
I'm still waiting for my Amazon order, but should be arriving tomorrow. But I was in Ludwigsburs so I catched one of the prerelease CDs with some tracks from the new album on it and Pursuit of Vikings is running up and down my cd player. I also listened to the promo and the quality increase is fucking awesome!

Btw ... the Smell-Hammer smells a bit gay :p
lord_of_moriah said:
does any one know if the limited edition will come out in the US?

I asked for the limited edition a week ago at a local record store and they said there was only one version they could order. I just picked it up today and I thought it would be the limited edition, but i was let down when I found no dvd. Im pissed now and ive been looking for a limited edition copy on the net, but i cant find it anywhere. I guess thats another shitty thing about living in the US. The album is good though.
See there is an obvious problem here.. you are trying to rationalize the greatness of AA. STOP!
$HaMbLeZz said:
Same for Ludwigsburg...AA were fucking awesome.

The Played: (without order)

VS The World
Thousand Years Of Oppression
Masters of War
Last With Pagan Blood
Sound of Eight Hooves
Bleed For Ancient Gods
North Sea Storm (i was kinda surprised that they played it)
Ancient Sign Of Coming Storm
Fate Of Norns
Once Sealed In Blood
Pursuit Of Vikings
Where Silent Gods Stand Guard
Victorious March
Death In Fire

i think thats all

what? u were surprised they played north sea storm??? o_O why? i think that song is awsome!! one of the best of the avenger album
Is this out in the US yet? I have been away from this site for FAR too long. I was thinking to myself "I wonder if Amon Amarth released a new album yet?" so I logged on and voila!

Damn, we really get screwed here in the States. Fuck this - I'm moving to Europe!