Father of American Taliban fighter John Lynde asks for people to understand his son!!

Honestly, I cannot see how a Father would be able to put anything in front of his child. I know..that he knows his kid is fucked up..shit..he should have been shot by an American in afghanistan...but I do understand wanting what he wants for his kid, even though the dude was a moron. I think he should rot in jail. Taking arms against American soldiers should = death.
SoundMaster said:
Thank godlessness for liberal ideals.

Yeah like, Same sex marriage, Welfare, The UN and disolving the constitution by trying to hand the U.S. Military over to foreign powers, And more importantly- Making the US ask permission to protect itself from these scumbag jawas who are allies with the people we are supposed to obtain permission from.. Liberals are Looney's
I'm more worried about the sandpeople.
I have to say with Bush in power you need someone a little more.....peaceful.At one end you've got Bush and his "let's smoke 'em out"cowboy routine and then you've got the "let all the murders and rapist's live"type.America need's a president who is somewhere in between.Maybe a female president?
Vinnie Cappuccino said:
Rape w/ Chainsaw, that would be pretty messy, cruel and Painful; spoken like a true Republican!
Thanks for the compliment but I'm more of an independent. But if the better man / women for the job is a republican or once in a decade a democrat I will vote for them.
We need a president who actually follows through with his "smoke them out" rhetoric. I hope no one believes we are even using a fraction of what are military is capable of. So many rules to protect civilians lets the enemy combatants get away with tons of stuff. We cant engage until engaged.

Fuck that..we should go back to good old dumb bomb carpet bombing. When you level a city and kill 200,000 people..the message gets across.
stuglue said:
Maybe then the American army should be used to defend the U.S and not invade other nations?

sometimes you have to go into other nations to protect your nation.

we're in Afghanistan hunting those who would hurt us.
we're in Iraq, trying to build a democracy that would be favorable to us.

thinking that just lining our military up around our borders and waiting is the only way to defend us is pretty short-sighted.

thank GOD we have a leader with a broader scope and firmer resolve than that at the helm.
Buzzard said:
Yeah like, Same sex marriage, Welfare, The UN and disolving the constitution by trying to hand the U.S. Military over to foreign powers, And more importantly- Making the US ask permission to protect itself from these scumbag jawas who are allies with the people we are supposed to obtain permission from.. Liberals are Looney's

Aside from meaningles same-sex marriage and welfare, none of these other ideas are what liberalism implies.
SueNC said:
sometimes you have to go into other nations to protect your nation.

we're in Afghanistan hunting those who would hurt us.
we're in Iraq, trying to build a democracy that would be favorable to us.

thinking that just lining our military up around our borders and waiting is the only way to defend us is pretty short-sighted.

thank GOD we have a leader with a broader scope and firmer resolve than that at the helm.

Yes, the Afghan invasion, toppling of the Taliban can only help the US (and the West).

But the fact of the matter concerning Iraq is far more grey:
- more likely than not, the US doesnt' want a true democracy there. Last thing we want is for a populace to elect Islamo-fascists which would almost certainly happen amidst such instability

- the invasion is driving thousands of disaffected young Muslims, who were previously moderate, into the mindset and the thinking of bin Landen and his ilk. Bush has made OBL into a god-damned prophet. The number of future attacks the West & America will endure due to this war is unthinkable.

- the oil-producing infrastructure is slowly being rebuilt. This is the key to the entire enterprise (regardless of what the propaganda-doctors on Fox say). We've just purchased an insurance policy against the eventual coup that will take place in Saudi Arabia. Remeber, al Qaeda's biggest enemy is not the US or the west - it's the Saudi royal family and any other apostate regimes that, they believe, are ruining Islam
Evil Dead said:
We need a president who actually follows through with his "smoke them out" rhetoric. I hope no one believes we are even using a fraction of what are military is capable of. So many rules to protect civilians lets the enemy combatants get away with tons of stuff. We cant engage until engaged.

Fuck that..we should go back to good old dumb bomb carpet bombing. When you level a city and kill 200,000 people..the message gets across.

Dead on, my friend. Them fucking ragheads ought to shit themselves and run and hide when they hear our boys (Brit or Yank) coming down the road, not stand around throwing rocks. Far better that they be cowering in their homes praying to the great wog in the sky that our lads aren't going to level every single building and hang them all. Brutal, yes, but it has worked right through history, and after a while, when they simmer down, we can start treating them like adults again.