Father of American Taliban fighter John Lynde asks for people to understand his son!!

Furthermore, how is labeling liberalism as a "sickness" or as a "mental problem" being open-minded?
That makes zero sense.

In my experience, the following tends to be true:
liberals see the world in shades of grey, realizing that any question or issue potentially has a number of answers and/or solutions.
conservatives tend to seek a black n white world in which every question has a concise, clear-cut solution.

I'd like for that to be the case, but I just don't think it accurately represents the realities of the world. Heck, as I see it, only true mathematics can be seen in black and white (2 + 2 will always = 4, regardless of what names you give these values). All else is relative. And that causes problems for most.

With all of this said, there are, of course, the waaaay left radicals (peaceniks, etc) who have no conception of reality. The media, of course, loving a good story, amplifies the foolishness that these folks exhibit, thereby giving libs, in general, a bad name.

As an aside, America was created on progresssive, liberal values (mostly). The idea of democracy, representation, free speech, freedom of religion, etc.. The conservatives of the day didn't want to break away from the mother country...the idea of independance was anathema to them. However, it late 18th century was one of Western civilizations truly great, progressive periods and reason won out. Heck, the debate leading up the writing of the constitution was calling for the abolishment of slavery then - 80 years prior to the Civil War, but the Northern folks gave in to the demands of the Southern aristocrats.
SueNC said:
rude and wrong.
just the way liberals have always been.

awww, liberals are rude......waaaaaaaa....waaaaaa. Liberals are meanys waaaaaa..

SoundMaster said:
However, it late 18th century was one of Western civilizations truly great, progressive periods and reason won out.

Yes, and this lies at the heart of the problem with much of Islam. It was never liberalized like the West and much of the Western World. It's still stuck in a pre Enlightenment mindset.
Buzzard said:

If he was in the taliban........ wouldn't that make him

a "conservative" (or whatever you childish morons like to label yourselves


The Taliban is even more "conservative" than all of the "religious right" kooks

here in America.

Hell,,, it's even illegal to dance over there, nevermind any sort of gay

mariage, or secular schools.

So, actually, America's "conservatives" have quite a few things in common

with those Muslim nuts.
Dr.TEETH said:
If he was in the taliban........ wouldn't that make him

a "conservative" (or whatever you childish morons like to label yourselves


The Taliban is even more "conservative" than all of the "religious right" kooks

here in America.

Hell,,, it's even illegal to dance over there, nevermind any sort of gay

mariage, or secular schools.

So, actually, America's "conservatives" have quite a few things in common

with those Muslim nuts.

not me.
i like to dance. :Spin:
SueNC said:
to some extent, but on the whole, Conservatives are MUCH more willing to take the high road and allow for opposing ideas.
liberals are as close to being nazis as this nation has ever seen. they seek to clamp tight, rigid rules on everything from speech to ideas, as has been glaringly illustrated time and again.

a prime example is the incident where Ann Coulter was asked to speak at a college campus recently [possibly in Connecticut?], only to be shouted down by the liberal brain trust [an oxymoron] of the campus, who couldnt be bothered with listening politely and THEN forming their opinions or giving opposing views. that would have been too civilized and fair.

another example is Bill O'Reilly's recent appearance on the David Letterman show.
Letterman acted like a complete idiot!
he tells O'Reilly... an invited guest... that 60% of what he says is crap. when O'Reilly asks him if he's ever watched the show and actually HEARD FOR HIMSELF what he says, he said 'no' but that he'd read about it. :err:
that was possibly one of the stupidest things i'd ever heard!

liberals are all about 'freedoms' but only if those freedoms mirror their particular ideals.

at least Conservatives allow room for honest, democratic debate.
Conservatives conduct themselves like civilized, decent people. liberals are rude, hateful, oppressive people, who shouldnt be allowed anywhere in polite society.

The first person to yell "nazi" in a political argument, ........ loses the argument.
Dr.TEETH said:
If he was in the taliban........ wouldn't that make him

a "conservative" (or whatever you childish morons like to label yourselves


The Taliban is even more "conservative" than all of the "religious right" kooks

here in America.

Hell,,, it's even illegal to dance over there, nevermind any sort of gay

mariage, or secular schools.

So, actually, America's "conservatives" have quite a few things in common

with those Muslim nuts.

Well, no see that's where you are wrong. You are assuming words have meanings. Even though the Taliban are scary conservative, only liberals would join the group becuase if it's a bad form of conservatism or a danger to America then it's actually liberal. The same holds true for Hitler, logic dictates he must have been a liberal.
ZeeZooZum said:
Well, no see that's where you are wrong. You are assuming words have meanings. Even though the Taliban are scary conservative, only liberals would join the group becuase if it's a bad form of conservatism or a danger to America then it's actually liberal. The same holds true for Hitler, logic dictates he must have been a liberal.

Words don't have meanings?.....
This is has just become ridiculous.

The Taliban, the Saudi Royal family, Hitler.....these are all blatant examples of conservatism run amok. Each are the antithesis of liberalism.

Ironically, the far right always says "libs hate America", yet the actions of the far-right are CLEARLY those of people who despise the constitution and who despise all that the forefathers wanted America to represent. Ironically, the far right hates America and they don't even realize it.
SoundMaster said:
The Taliban, the Saudi Royal family, Hitler.....these are all blatant examples of conservatism run amok. Each are the antithesis of liberalism.


I smile when people yells about how Saddam was one of OBL croonies and jerked of to the Quran everyday. Saddam didn´t have a very high reputation amongst the islamic community and he was never a religious man. He showed up for prayers and then he went home for his afternoon whiskey. I remember when he appeared on TV and pledged his devotion to islam and a TV-team was following him around as he visited a mosque, the thing was as belivable as Jessica Simpsons marriage.
ZeeZooZum said:
At least 2008 on the Republican side looks like it might return to sanity. Candidates like Mcain or Rudy are serious-minded and do more than just talk big. They want to solve problems and not just whine about liberals. Oh, what will the fascist pigs on the right do when the republican party returns to sanity? Who will they blame?

Judas Priest.
Arg_Hamster said:

I smile when people yells about how Saddam was one of OBL croonies and jerked of to the Quran everyday. Saddam didn´t have a very high reputation amongst the islamic community and he was never a religious man. He showed up for prayers and then he went home for his afternoon whiskey. I remember when he appeared on TV and pledged his devotion to islam and a TV-team was following him around as he visited a mosque, the thing was as belivable as Jessica Simpsons marriage.

Yes, the non-existent "link" between Saddam and al Qaeda was, of course, total bullshit.
The fact of the matter is that bin Laden had, years earlier, publicly declared Saddam as an apostate, which, in the eyes of radical Islamists, is a far greater crime that being just an infidel.
bin Laden and al Qaeda despised Saddam and his regime for their blatant disregard of Koranic principles and for their heavily Western influenced lifestyles, etc.
SoundMaster said:
Then feel free to add something of value. Please, share your intellect with us.

:p We await enlightenment.
I added a joke a couple of days ago, there is some comedic value for you.
If you would like me to join your debate, no thank you.
I'd rather not be included in this 'intellectual' discussion. It is far to full of your emotional, irrational, and asinine statements to ever be a serious symposium.

Charlie is Jesus Christ! The devil always shaves his head and your signature sucks!

Bleearg said:
I added a joke a couple of days ago, there is some comedic value for you.
If you would like me to join your debate, no thank you.
I'd rather not be included in this 'intellectual' discussion. It is far to full of your emotional, irrational, and asinine statements to ever be a serious symposium.

Charlie is Jesus Christ! The devil always shaves his head and your signature sucks!


Yeah...what the hell is that signature?
Arg_Hamster said:

I smile when people yells about how Saddam was one of OBL croonies and jerked of to the Quran everyday. Saddam didn´t have a very high reputation amongst the islamic community and he was never a religious man. He showed up for prayers and then he went home for his afternoon whiskey. I remember when he appeared on TV and pledged his devotion to islam and a TV-team was following him around as he visited a mosque, the thing was as belivable as Jessica Simpsons marriage.

Uh oh, you talked bad about the Quran! Now there are going to be anti swede riots in Pakistan where 1000's of muslims get killed by accident :)