Father of American Taliban fighter John Lynde asks for people to understand his son!!

Bleearg said:
I added a joke a couple of days ago, there is some comedic value for you.
If you would like me to join your debate, no thank you.
I'd rather not be included in this 'intellectual' discussion. It is far to full of your emotional, irrational, and asinine statements to ever be a serious symposium.

Charlie is Jesus Christ! The devil always shaves his head and your signature sucks!


As expected. Care to support your claim with anything of substance?
If not, your post is meaningless.
Evil Dead said:
Uh oh, you talked bad about the Quran! Now there are going to be anti swede riots in Pakistan where 1000's of muslims get killed by accident :)

Haha! If some cagemonkeys want to go apeshit over me dissing an angry, bearded, bitter divine force thats fine with me. People should riot over lack of food, police brutality, oil-prices and so on.

Would people riot if I said that Tolkiens books were boring shit or me dissing any other fantasy? People say that life without Shiva, Allah or God is a void. We have plenty of stuff to fill it with. Danny Spitz watches, Slayer-videos, Stryper, Claire Danes in low-cut jeans or grapes.

God fucking damn it, cagemonkeys suck.
SueNC said:
sometimes you have to go into other nations to protect your nation.

we're in Afghanistan hunting those who would hurt us.
we're in Iraq, trying to build a democracy that would be favorable to us.

thinking that just lining our military up around our borders and waiting is the only way to defend us is pretty short-sighted.

thank GOD we have a leader with a broader scope and firmer resolve than that at the helm.
I don't put as much faith in the leader but in the men who advise him.
Arg_Hamster said:
Haha! If some cagemonkeys want to go apeshit over me dissing an angry, bearded, bitter divine force thats fine with me. People should riot over lack of food, police brutality, oil-prices and so on.

Would people riot if I said that Tolkiens books were boring shit or me dissing any other fantasy? People say that life without Shiva, Allah or God is a void. We have plenty of stuff to fill it with. Danny Spitz watches, Slayer-videos, Stryper, Claire Danes in low-cut jeans or grapes.

God fucking damn it, cagemonkeys suck.

Dont talk shit about Star Wars or Star Trek..or you will have riots...ive made that mistake, saying Star Trek was fruity and STar Wars is really a Gay Nazi movie, had people wanting to lynch me.
Evil Dead said:
Dont talk shit about Star Wars or Star Trek..or you will have riots...ive made that mistake, saying Star Trek was fruity and STar Wars is really a Gay Nazi movie, had people wanting to lynch me.

It's almost as bad as saying anything negative about Anthrax or Nevermore!