Yeah...Favorite In Flames still Jester Race...Naturally :Smug: ...oh...and is that enough days for you
(666 days)
...I need a Smoke now :Smokin:

The best thing in The Jester Race is the vocals emo. If they remaster ANYTHING now they'll turn it into pussy love song shit with fucked up vocals. So they better keep everything the way it is.The Jester Race is a fine album, but the vocal recording is for takes away from it...I would love for someone to somehow remaster it while improving the vocal track.
clayman for me because I'm not a biznatch
Clayman is probably the worst album in the 1990-2000 era. It just has 3 or 4 really good songs and the rest are just fillers.I knew that In Flames would never top Clayman again,cos they reach the top with it.There's no way higher than it.