Fav midi editor: guitar pro, but I want vst plugs on chans, any solution??

Calippo Tecks

Feb 6, 2005
The title says it all. I work REALLY FAST with guitar pro and I write all my music in it, convert it to midi and load it in Cubase. I wish to be able to use some vst plugs instead of that standard midi sound, just because having a realistic feeling makes it better. I don't need it for metal songs but I wish to compose some orchestral pieces too and I'd be much more inspirated if I could do that.
Ofcourse I can edit midi in Cubase too, but that goes waaaay too slow IMO.
Any solutions on this or any software that makes you able writing midi tracks very fast like Guitar Pro?
Also working with a midi keyboard isn't a solution for me, tried that in the past.
I think it's not possible, edit the midi and output it to cubase to read it seems to be the best way for you.
Install MIDIYoke.

Set your GP to send MIDI to MIDI Yoke NT 1

Get Reaper and put your desired vsts on tracks and set these tracks to receive MIDI from MIDI Yoke NT 1.

I remember auditioning some GP4 tabs this way few years ago.

ps. Of course you can also use Cubase instead of Reaper if you want.