Fav Shredders


I'm not even going INTO why a list of 'shredders' is WRONG, but anyway, any list envolving alexi laiho means only that the lister knows absolutely nothing about guitar playing and even less about music. No point in playing fast if you're just going to do it THAT sloppy.

Hardly, since I would consider Laiho as one of my favourite guitar players, and I'm hardly a dumbass when it comes to music.

But to make a quick mini list because I'm bored:

Yngwie Malmsteen (Alcatrazz era)
Steve Vai
Rusty Cooley
Paul Gilbert (80's)
Alexi Laiho ('99-'02 era)
Jeff Loomis
Muhammed (Necrophagist...never heard him 'shred' free style though...)

Also, just saw a few vids of a british dude called Andy James doing a PG style vid, fucking insane.
When it comes to music, it boils down to taste so I won't go there.

His playing, however, is very sloppy. I might be a bit unfair in this judgement since he chooses a tone that makes mistakes stand out, but it's there. A lack of precision and timing, basically.
When it comes to music, it boils down to taste so I won't go there.

His playing, however, is very sloppy. I might be a bit unfair in this judgement since he chooses a tone that makes mistakes stand out, but it's there. A lack of precision and timing, basically.

Well I wouldn't ever disagree with that statement, as I have sense. I can't stand his tone or his playing at this moment in time...or his choice of notes for a guitar solo for that matter...

But as a player, he's written and played some great things back in the day, which is why he's on my list.
Mein list

Jari Maenpaa
Steve Vai
Chris Broderick
Marty Friedman
Jeff Loomis
Obsidian C.
Ralph Santolla
Trey Azagthoth
Mastodon dudes (for composition and soloing style as opposed to ridiculous speed)
Michael Angelo Batio
Django Reinhardt
Paul Gilbert
Johnny Hiland
Shawn Lane
Chuck Schuldiner
Uli Roth
How the hell do you know it's done to be lazy? You're just making assumptions.

Besides, it's your loss, while we have fun live at their shows, you probably stand there with your arms crossed listening for any flaw you can then get pissy when he 'lazies it up' by changing parts of songs.
I'm not saying it was a fact, it just seemed that way to me. You're saying I'm making assumptions and now you're making assumptions about me. Priceless.

I saw them play that song two nights in a row, and it was fucking great both nights. I know that Mike L, as well as the rest of the band, take their live performances really seriously and take pride in delivering great performances, that being said, he feels the same way as me and my paragraph above is essentially paraphrasing what he said to me.
I'm sure they do take it very seriously but doesn't mean things can be done precisely.

Good luck then, no one is perfect live. And then factor in that you don't live near any of the bands you listed, you might as well sit at home and listen to your CDs and bitch about production flaws.
I'm not saying they had to be perfect, I just don't think they compare as well as some others live. I really have high standards in how I rate guitarists, that's why I didn't write many names to begin with in the first post I did in this thread. And why are you saying I don't live near them? I have seen many bands live and enjoyed the shows.

I was being sarcastic, and I said WHEN I SAW THEM they nailed every note.
Okay so they don't nail every note, like I said.
My favorite shreddies.

Meine list

Jari Maenpaa
Steve Vai
Chris Broderick
Marty Friedman
Jeff Loomis
Obsidian C.
Ralph Santolla
Trey Azagthoth
Mastodon dudes (for composition and soloing style as opposed to ridiculous speed)
Michael Angelo Batio
Django Reinhardt
Paul Gilbert
Johnny Hiland
Shawn Lane
Chuck Schuldiner
Uli Roth