Fave Testament solos?

First Strike Is Deadly (FSSD verison)

DOTW (Original)
Return To Serenity
Eerie Inhabitants
New Order (original)
The Evil Has Landed
Trail Of Tears (cant help it if its not Alex, I still love it)
Return to Serenity
Trail of Tears
Fall of Sipledome
Dog Faced Gods
Souls of Black
First Strike Is Deadly
Over the Wall
Disciples of the Watch

...You know what, just all of them LOL
Electric Crown
The Preacher
Nightmare(Coming Back To You)
Return To Serenity
Musical Is Death

I couldnt picked just one, theres no way... haha but i guess those are my favourites
Return to Serenity from Fillmore. I love that nylon fade into distortion.

Other noteworthy solos... Electric Crown, The Ballad, Chasing Fear, Hatred's Rise (not great, but love the feel) and Beginning of the End.